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GreeceBrain gain: The Greeks who want to return home

Brain gain: The Greeks who want to return home

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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The 600,000 highly-skilled Greeks that left the country during the years of economic crisis to seek a better future abroad are gradually starting to return, reversing the “brain drain” that struck such a blow to both Greek society and the prospects of the Greek economy. According to figures released by Eurostat, a so-called “brain gain” is now gaining momentum, with 350,000 of those that left in 2010-2021 now returned to Greece.

In a survey conducted by the BrainReGain – Hellenism in Action Initiative between November 2023 and January 2024, 50 pct of those responding expressed a strong desire to return to Greece, with 21% stating that they want to return within a year. The survey showed that the majority of Greek expatriates live and work in the United Kingdom, Germany and the Netherlands, while there are fewer in the United States, Canada and the Middle East. Most are over 35 years old and have lived abroad for more than six years, 70% have a postgraduate degree and 18% have a PhD or post-doctoral degree. They are typically employed in the technology sector (19%), academia (10 pct) or the healthcare sector (10%).

The Greeks wishing to return are typically highly skilled and with significant professional experience, having worked abroad for more than 10 years, having postgraduate degrees and are employed in a wide range of sectors. Incentives for their return vary but may include the improved economic conditions and better professional environment in Greece, as well as a desire to be close to family and friends, or a wish to contribute to the growth of Greece. Deterrents are the uncertainty of the labour market, low wages and bureaucracy.
Through the platform BrainGain Jobs in Greece, the BrainReGain – Hellenism in Action Initiative has helped hundreds of Greeks return to Greece, taking up one of 450 jobs advertised by more than 100 companies, said the initiative’s general director Marianna Doukakou, in statements to the Athens-Macedonian News Agency.
She noted that there was a constant flow of returns, while adding that “we need many to bring back more. This is the essence of our Alliance.”

The BrainReGain – Hellenism in Action Initiative is an association of 48 companies from the private and public sector that represent the strongest productive sectors of the Greek economy, including industry, technology, tourism, manufacturing, retail trade, shipping, healthcare, legal and consultancy services and education.

More information is available at the website: and its social networks on LinkedIn, YouTube and Facebook.

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