Sunday, September 29, 2024

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news on greece

PM Mitsotakis: Continuing a ‘silent revolution’ in the Greek construction sector

The Unified Digital Map and the National Construction Registry are "the multitools of a silent revolution in Greece's construction sector," Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis...

FM Gerapetritis: Greece will ratify Prespa Agreement when North Macedonia fully complies with its int’l commitments

Foreign Affairs Minister George Gerapetritis, speaking with journalists on Wednesday, said that the Greek government "reacted very fast and with the right reflexes," after...

EU Commission sees Greece’s growth rate at 2.2% in 2024 and 2.3% in 2025

Greece's growth rate will reach 2.2% in 2024 and 2.3% in 2025, the European Commission said on Wednesday in its spring forecasts. Inflation (harmonised)...

BoG governor calls for progress on harmonizing national systems of bank deposit guarantees

The harmonization of national systems for the guarantee of bank deposits must move forward, Bank of Greece (BoG) Governor Yannis Stournaras told the conference...

Κορυφαίες διακρίσεις για Ελλάδα και Σαντορίνη στα αμερικανικά Leisure Lifestyle Awards 2024

Η Ελλάδα παραμένει και το 2024 ένας από τους δημοφιλέστερους ευρωπαϊκούς προορισμούς για τους ταξιδιώτες από τις ΗΠΑ. Το γεγονός αυτό επιβεβαιώθηκε και στα...


Γράφει ο Μιχάλης Παπαδημητρίου Όταν αγνοούμε ή ηθελημένα διαστρεβλώνουμε το έτυμον μιας λέξης λέμε ότι έχουμε παρετυμολογία. Το φαινόμενο δεν είναι τόσο συχνό, ωστόσο δείχνει πολλές...

Syracuse exhibition on Mycenaean influence on Sicily includes golden cup of Dendra

The "Paolo Orsi" Regional Archaeological Museum in Syracuse inaugurated an exhibition on the influence Mycenaean civilization had on the island, the Greek Culture Ministry...

State Department on Mitsotakis-Erdogan meeting: We encourage the resolution of disputes in accordance with International Law

The United States encourages the maintenance of calmness in the Aegean and the resolution of disputes in accordance with International Law, the State Department...

Gerapetritis: A new phase in Greek-Turkish relations which is governed by a productive normality

A new phase in the Greek-Turkish relations "which is governed by a productive normality" has been launched, Foreign Minister Geoege Gerapetritis stated in an...

PM Mitsotakis: Greece protect its national sovereignty and sovereign rights with confidence

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis expressed his confidence that the New Democracy party would do very well in the European Parliament elections on June 9,...

Top honors for Greece and Santorini at the American Leisure Lifestyle Awards 2024

Greece remains one of the most popular European destinations for travelers from the United States in 2024, as confirmed at the American Leisure Lifestyle...

Λοκομοτίβα της ελληνικής οικονομίας ο Τουρισμός – Κάθε 1 ευρώ από την τουριστική βιομηχανία αυξάνει κατά 2,65 ευρώ το ΑΕΠ

Σε λοκομοτίβα της ελληνικής οικονομίας έχει εξελιχθεί η τουριστική δραστηριότητα στην Ελλάδα τα τελευταία χρόνια, με τον πολλαπλασιαστή που καταγράφει την επίδραση του τουρισμού...

Πώς τα σπήλαια φανερώνουν την κλιματική αλλαγή – Οδοιπορικό του ΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕ στο Σπήλαιο των Λιμνών

Διασχίζοντας ένα καταπράσινο τοπίο και περνώντας το χωριό Καστριά ξεπροβάλλει ανάμεσα στα πεύκα ο πετρόχτιστος προαύλιος χώρος που φιλοξενεί το Σπήλαιο των Λιμνών. Οι...

Cathedral School Honors Mothers at Breakfast Tea

By Catherine Tsounis "Love your mother, children, there’s no love anywhere that could be sweeter than this." - Ancient Greek playwright Euripides, 358 B.C. A beautiful...

Everything is bigger in Texas; Houston’s hometown kids Andreas Katzourakis and Giovanni Marquez take center stage at OTX7

Houston, TX - The anticipation builds as OTX, the powerhouse of boxing entertainment, announces its much-awaited debut in Houston, Texas. Mark your calendars for...

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