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Greek CommunityWestchester Country Club hosts annual New Rochelle Chapter 405 Initiation/Luncheon

Westchester Country Club hosts annual New Rochelle Chapter 405 Initiation/Luncheon

Hellenic News
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ahepas west chester country club

Westchester Country Club

hosts annual New Rochelle Chapter 405 Initiation/Luncheon

On Saturday, December 1, 2012, in a sparkling rendition of AHEPA’s Ritualistic Initiations, New Rochelle Chapter 405 initiated 15 new members increasing its membership to approximately 170 members. The class of 2012 included the following new initiates; Emanuel Chihaia, Christos Georgiou, Michael Gikas, Tom Itty, George Zimmer, Peter Zimmer, Angelo Meimeteas, Evan Noulas, George Williams, Jr., Nicholas Williams, Martin Ziemnicki, Dennison Veru, Alex Nicolau,. Nabil Ghawi and George Seremetis.

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More than 150 AHEPANS, family members and guests attended the chapters annual event, including AHEPA’s very senior leadership from throughout the United States. Attending were Supreme President, Dr. John Grossomanides from Rhode Island; Supreme Vice President, Anthony Kouzounas from Texas; Phillip Frangos, from Michigan; Supreme Governors, Jimmy Kokotas from, New York, John Tanionos from Massachusetts and Nicholas Kavadas from Indiana. Representing the Board of Trustees was Trustee Constantine P. Calliontzis, from Massachusetts. In addition, New York’s District Lodge was represented by District Governor, Michael Papaphotes, Lt Governor and Chapter member, Tom Dushas and District Treasurer, Ted Malgarinos. Also attending was Past Supreme Secretary and Chairman of AHEPA’s St. Basil Academy Committee, Jim Poll. The Garden State, District 5 was represented by Lt. Governor, Sammy Thomas and Yankee District 7 was represented by Greg Stamos, Chairman of AHEPA’s Hall of Fame Athletic Committee. In addition, numerous Past Supreme and District Lodge officers attended along with sizeable chapter delegations from the tri-state region. It was one of the largest turnouts in AHEPA’s History.


The initiation was followed by a magnificent testimonial banquet in honor of the Chapters distinguished Chief Financial Officer, Constantine (Gus) Varlamos. Chapter President, Joe Keane was the toast master and Brothers James Zafiros, Zachary Marantis and Tom Dushas offered eloquent introductions and tributes to the honoree.


Supreme President, Dr. John Grossomanides was the key note speaker. His remarks highlighted AHEPA’s national programs. He praised the chapters innovative support of AHEPA’s full page national ad in the New York Times supporting Hellenism; in tribute to the 2977 who lost their lives ten years earlier, the re-building of St. Nicholas Church and exposing the AHEPA brand to millions of their subscribers. He described New Rochelle # 405 as one of the nations leading AHEPA Chapters and a role model for 21st century Hellenism.


Father Nicholas Anctil, chapter Chaplin and President of the Archdiocese association of priests gave the benediction assisted by Father John Romas, a 45 year member of the chapter. 

The copyrights for these articles are owned by the Hellenic News of America. They may not be redistributed without the permission of the owner. The opinions expressed by our authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hellenic News of America and its representatives.

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