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GreeceFM Gerapetritis: Gov't must reconnect with society and its problems

FM Gerapetritis: Gov’t must reconnect with society and its problems

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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It is critical that the government reconnect with society, Foreign Affairs Minister George Gerapetritis said on Wednesday in an interview to ANT1 TV, commenting on the European election results on Sunday.

“The sense there is is that the government focused on major issues and citizens had a sense that at the final end the issues that relate to their daily lives, their existential problems, came second,” Gerapetritis said. He added that “when citizens hear there is development, they want to see a dividend of that growth as well.”

Among other issues he touched on, the Greek FM said that “it is very hard to intervene everywhere” and that ruling New Democracy was the only government to talk about Europe during the pre-electoral campaign.


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