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GreecePM Mitsotakis: Global investors 'showing keen interest in Greece after investment grade...

PM Mitsotakis: Global investors ‘showing keen interest in Greece after investment grade regain’

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis underlined his meetings with Greeks abroad, the interest of American investors expressed during his trip to New York for the UN Summit meetings, incentives improving access to doctors and medical advice, abolishing tax on smaller boats, and the invitation to Greece to attend its first G7 meeting of Culture Ministers in Naples, in his weekly review posted on social media on Sunday.

Mitsotakis said he had met with diaspora Greeks “who unceasingly love their homeland,” and who also “expressed their joy they could vote by mail for the first time, even if only in European elections.” He also noted “the keen interest of global investors, companies, organizations, and banks for Greece, especially after regaining investment grade.” As he explained, “I invited them to utilize the opportunities in a country such as ours, with political stability, an extended reform plan, dynamic growth with fiscal responsibility, and quick absorption of resources from the Recovery Fund.”

UN meetings

The Greek premier highlighted the “inclusion of two issues of Greek interest – maritime security and protection of culture as integral elements of sustainable development – in the Pact for the Future that the UN Summit meeting approved. As a member of the Security Council, Greece will continue to play an active role in negotiations for the management of climate change, which is inextricably linked with sustainable development, peac, and security, he underlined.

Mitsotakis also referred to his meeting with Turkish Presiden Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and agreed for closer collaboration on the migration issue and a new meeting of the Supreme Council of Collaboration in the start of 2025. “I repeat, the fact we talk does not mean that we agree on everything. Greece will not even enter discussion on the recognition of the pseudostate on Cyprus, nor, obviously, negotiate issues related to sovereignty and sovereign rights,” Mitsotakis asserted.

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The premier also referred to a bill currently posted for consultation increasing the number of doctors who may become personal doctors, expanding the service to every Greek citizen for free, and to incentives to doctors to train as general/family practitioners or internal pathologists. Seven university health centers will be founded as well, which will include telemedicine stations, he pointed out.

Among other issues, PM Mitsotakis mentioned the following changes: higher fines for people obstructing public space access to pedestrians and people with disabilities; the finalization between Greece and Cyprus of the agreement to link the electricity grids of Cyprus and Crete that will benefit the entire EU; the start of operation for the Alexandroupolis LNG Terminal Station on October 1; the procurement of more fire trucks and vehicles; and the abolition of tax on boats up to 7 meters long, which are mostly used by amateur fishermen who number in the tens of thousands (the law will go into effect retroactively)


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