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GreeceBusinessThe Greek economy grew 2.3% in 2023 according to an upward revision...

The Greek economy grew 2.3% in 2023 according to an upward revision by ELSTAT

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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The independent statistical authority ELSTAT revised its estimate of Greece’s GDP growth in 2023 upwards, increasing this to 2.3% in the 2nd estimate of the annual national accounts based on provisional published on Thursday. Its estimate for 2023 GDP growth based on provisional data in March was 2%. GDP, in constant prices, stood at 196.984 billion euros in 2023 from 192.495 billion euros in 2022.

According to ELSTAT, the final aggregate consumption expenditure increased by 2% last year (household expenditure increased by 1.8%, non-profit institutions serving households decreased by 0.1% and general government expenditure increased by 2.6%). Private investment (gross fixed capital formation) increased by 0.8%. Exports of goods and services increased by 1.9% and imports of goods and services increased by 0.9%.


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