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GreeceBusinessPassenger traffic at Greek airports up 8.7% in January-September

Passenger traffic at Greek airports up 8.7% in January-September

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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Passenger traffic in 24 Greek airports grew 6.1% in January-September 2024 compared with the same period last year, up 13.9% in comparison with September 2019, Civil Aviation Authority (CYA) said in a report on Friday.

More specifically, passenger traffic totaled 9,984,655 in January-September, from 9,413,077 in January-September last year.

At all airports in Greece (24 managed by CYA, 14 managed by Fraport Greece, and at AIA), passenger traffic totaled 65,133,705 in January-September 2024, up 8.7% compared to the same period in 2023 (59,901,542).

In September 2024, passenger traffic at the state airport of Heraklion ‘Nikos Kazantzakis’ totaled 1,413,761, up 6.6% from the corresponding period in 2023, when it totaled 1,326,028. The Cretan airport led all other airports in September 2024 in terms of rise in passenger traffic. Among state airports, the greatest passenger traffic rise in September 2024 was registered at the airports of Sitia, Crete (66.6%), Milos island (35.7%), Kozani, northern Greece (35.2%).

The number of scheduled flights (domestic and international) at all 39 airports in Greece registered a 6.6% rise in January-September of 2024 compared to the same period in 2023. Specifically, a total of 489.694 flights took place in the 9 months of 2024, over 459,342 at the same period in 2023.

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