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GreeceBusinessSoutheast Connectivity Forum II, Thessaloniki: Greece holds a privileged position in energy...

Southeast Connectivity Forum II, Thessaloniki: Greece holds a privileged position in energy sector interconnections

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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The increase of energy connectivity in southeastern Europe will benefit the wider region, and Greece can be a starting point for this energy bridge, John Letvin, economic counselor at the US embassy said at the 2nd Southeast Connectivity Forum in Thessaloniki on Wednesday.

Letvin added that Greece holds a privileged position in gas and electricity interconnections. He also highlighted the importance of Greece’s energy connections with neighboring Balkan countries.

On his side, Hellenic Gas Transmission System Operator (DESFA) Chief Commercial Officer Sotirios Bravos underlined the importance of connections as key to the European energy market. “Until 2018, the Russian natural gas dominated the market, but this changed dramatically from 2019 on. Now, the prices of Russian natural gas transmitted through Turkstream are very low,” he noted at the forum, which was organized by Tsomokos Communications with the Thessaloniki Port Authority (OLTh) as strategic partner.

According to gas expert from Austria’s Energy Community Gregor Weinzettel, Greece can play a key role in energy in the wider southeastern European region. “Greece can develop energy storage infrastructure. Greece is in the perfect position and needs a bit more harmonization to assume the leading role,” he said.

Aly Assem Mahmoud Ibrahim, managing director of Port Said East Port of the Suez Commercial Zone, asserted that “a true corridor between Thessaloniki and Port Said and the Suez Canal” can be created. “The reduction of the costs of the supply chain linking ports is a great issue. There are challenges and opportunities,” he said, adding his belief that the port of Alexandroupolis will become a hub for liquefied natural gas.

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