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GreeceCultureDistinguished Greek Philanthropist Marianna V. Vardinoyannis Honored in NYC

Distinguished Greek Philanthropist Marianna V. Vardinoyannis Honored in NYC

Hellenic News
Hellenic News
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By Aphrodite Kotrotsios, Co-Publisher



New York – On December 7, 2015, the Hellenic-American Chamber of Commerce (HACC) and the Hellenic-American Cultural Foundation (HACF) honored and featured Marianna Vardinoyannis at the Holy Trinity Cathedral in NYC. Marianna is the founder and president of the “Marianna V. Vardinoyannis Foundation” and founder and president of the Friends’ Association for Children with Cancer “ELPIDA”.


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Marianna presented to the audience a brief presentation on, “The Greek Crisis and the Impact Through the Eyes of the Children.” It was a moving presentation on her thoughts regarding the Greek Crisis as well as what her organization is undertaking to help the children of Greece. With such devotion and passion for her homeland and people, she has established several programs to ensure that no child is left behind. The foundation recently launched the Refugee Child Medical Assistance Program called WE CARE. She spoke very highly of the people of Greece and reminded each and every one of us of our strong heroic history and that anything is possible.


Archbishop Demetrios praised the organizers of the event for hosting Marianna. He commended her for her immense philanthropic efforts and wished her continued success in her endeavors. Nancy Papaioannou, President of Atlantic Bank informed the audience of Marianna’s philanthropic deeds and shared that presenting Marianna to the audience has been one of her proudest moments as she is touched by her philanthropic accomplishments.


Distinguished guests in the audience: Kerry Kennedy founder and President of Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights organization, Greek UN Ambassador Catherine Bouras, Ambassador George Iliopoulos and Manos Koubarakis, Consul General and Consul, respectively, of Greece, Ambassador Loucas Tsillas, Princess Alexandra of Greece and HACF President Nicholas Kourides.



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