Tuesday, October 22, 2024

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Featured Greek NewsA Special Thank you!

A Special Thank you!

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Publisher’s Note

Our newspaper, currently on its 27th year of continuous and active presence within the Greek American community and now entering a transitional period through the medium of the internet. Our goal is to maximize our newspaper’s presence, and we now disseminate the news not only though our print edition, but also with our online digital presence and employment of social media.

We are still in the process of conducting a statistical research with specific online questionnaires, asking our readers to express their opinion regarding our topics. We are modernizing our newspaper in order to keep up with the needs and new circumstances of our times, but mostly to keep up with the younger generation that is keeping the traditions of Hellenism alive in our welcoming second home.

First and foremost, I would like to wholeheartedly thank our readers and advertisers as well as our business partners who are contributing to the circulation of our newspaper. I would also like to express my special gratitude to the Editorial and Counseling Committee ofHellenic News of America that recently held a meeting in Concordville Inn: Dr. Dean Lomis, Mary Koutantos, Chris Mavris Morgan, Spiros Mantzavinos, Dr. Dimitris Monos, Nancy Biska, Chef Marc, Spiros Vellios, Lili Bita, Dr. Robert Zaller, Stavroula Kotrotsios, Aphrodite Kotrotsios, Linda Kotrotsios, George Karmas and Barbara Vellios. During our meeting we renewed the commitment we made to work hard for the improvement of our electronic and printed editions.

Our newspaper’s mission is to promote the communication and synergy on issues regarding our three countries: Greece, Cyprus and U.S.A. Furthermore, we are focusing our efforts on supporting and promoting the Greek and Cypriot element in the United States, bringing forward issues of interest, preserving our cultural identity and promoting the Greek education and the Greek language. We  ill try to shed new light on issues concerning the younger generation so that our bilingual newspaper can become a place for professional and social networking and for an exchange of views on relevant issues. Additionally, our new endeavor will be the documentation of modern Greek American history through special tributes regarding people and organizations of the Omogenia.

Thanks for reading Hellenic News of America

We are asking for your help and support in order to realize our goals. We should always have in mind that the Greek Press, as a communication tool, is one of the main pillars of the Greek American community. All pillars of Hellenism must be unified if we desire, as a national entity, to continue on our path of present and future excellence.

Paul Kotrotsios
Founder & Publisher

The copyrights for these articles are owned by the Hellenic News of America. They may not be redistributed without the permission of the owner. The opinions expressed by our authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hellenic News of America and its representatives.

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