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Greek CommunityAlexander Karas' questions to Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren

Alexander Karas’ questions to Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren

Hellenic News
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PART ONE: Alexander Karas’ questions to Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren

QUESTION: Ambassador Oren, as you know, Israel recently completed the sale of electronic warfare systems to Turkey despite ongoing strained relationships between Greece and Turkey, Cyprus and Turkey and Israel and Turkey worth 200 million dollars. The Turks feel drilling for oil in the region is National Security Concern ,,,how is it that with $700 million dollars earmarked for security of this pipeline $200 million go into what seems to undermine its security solely based on past behaviors of the Turks with daily dogfights between Greek and Turkish Air forces and ongoing violations against humanity without compliance of same?

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ANSWER: The Ministry of Defense in Israel doesn’t comment on defense contracts however, this Alliance today ushers in a new day

QUESTION: Ambassador Oren, As you know the source Middle East bloodshed has been based on differences of religion night and day differences. I know you’ve probably never been asked for comment about this as its pretty much hot off the press – with the ramifications of the 1st Pope in over 600 years to resign. There are Global Security issues associated with the next and final Pope.

Ambassador Oren: Final Pope?

Alexander Karas: I’m no conspiracy theorist but there’s been plenty happening around us that have raised many eyebrows including mine. According to Roman Catholic Theologians citing St Malachi’s forecast of a 112 final Pope during his Papacy where the 7 hills of Rome burn. Two issues to watch closely – how the pope handles the Arab-Israeli issues and the advancement of the New Age influence & dogmas within the Church. If a Pope Peter the Roman is indeed selected ( apparently going to be Black according to these writings) We may have to re-evaluate defense and our futures by re-visiting Yom Kipper war events and how that war was actually won.

Ambassador Oren: I haven’t heard about this

Alexander Karas: I had not either until yesterday…. its news. My point is, if we are in a battle of good vs evil and in this world of political correctness to put aside any spiritual viewpoint / ramification / forecast no matter how off the wall it may appear to be would be a mistake as the formation of Israel itself in 1948 was a scriptural promise realized in the commonalities of our Judeao Christian faith.

Ambassador Oren: I’d like to hear more

Alexander Karas: I’ll forward as I review the materials.  Do you think PM Erdogam will behave himself as we move into pipeline and drilling?

Ambassador Oren: We’ll have to wait and see

Alexander Karas: Based on his record?

Ambassador Oren: We have to be hopeful but prepared for all contingencies

Alexander Karas: Thank You Mr. Ambassador, I’ll stay in touch


PART TWO:  Official Press Release from Billirakis Communications Office
Congressman Bilirakis and Congressman Deutch Launch Congressional Hellenic-Israel Alliance


Thursday, 14 February 2013


Washington, D.C. (February 14, 2013) – Thursday, Members of Congress, foreign diplomats and the public gathered on Capitol Hill to celebrate the launch of the bi-partisan Congressional Hellenic-Israel Alliance (CHIA). This new Congressional initiative, established by Congressman Gus M. Bilirakis (R-FL) with the help of Congressman Ted Deutch (D-FL), will highlight the relationships forming between Cyprus, Greece and Israel.


“Greece, Cyprus and Israel’s strategic location, natural resources and intellectual capital create a natural partnership to address economic, energy and counter-terrorism issues in the Middle East and Europe,” said Congressman Bilirakis. “Through the Congressional Hellenic-Israel Alliance, we hope to highlight how the relationships between these countries and the United States are critical to maintaining economic stability and national security.”


At the event, which featured remarks by Bilirakis, Deutch, Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren, Greek Ambassador Christos Panagopoulos and Cypriot Embassy Charge dʼAffaires Olympia Neocleous, more than 200 people enjoyed authentic Greek and Israeli food, while discussing ways to help the countries grow their relationships.


Close geographic proximity and shared commitment to democracy have the potential to contribute significantly to global defense and economic security; and therefore, merit great attention by U.S. policymakers, the media and the public. This Alliance looks forward to encouraging recognition of these developments and hosting events and subject-matter experts to highlight pertinent issues, including economic, defense and energy cooperation.


“The Congressional Hellenic-Israel Alliance will highlight the strong relationship and growing cooperation between Israel, Greece and Cyprus,” said Deutch. “I am pleased to co-chair this caucus with my colleague Congressman Bilirakis, and I look forward to our colleagues joining us in celebrating Hellenic-Israeli relations.”

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