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GreeceARF 2024: US Ambassador Tsunis on Greece's economic miracle

ARF 2024: US Ambassador Tsunis on Greece’s economic miracle

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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US Ambassador George Tsunis spoke of the “economic miracle of Greece” during his speech at the Athens Riviera Forum 2024, noting that “the US has rediscovered Greece”.
The dynamic revival of Greece’s market brings investments by American companies, while bilateral relations are at their best level ever, he noted.

Tsunis said that Greece is experiencing an economic transformation, and added that he was very proud to be an ambassador in this country, promoting bilateral relations between Greece and the USA. “Our cooperation is developing at all levels, in all sectors. It is at the best level it has ever been, and this is to the benefit of both the US and Greece”, he said.
He noted that American companies discovered Greece not only for the great food and climate, but because Greece is what every company is looking for and has an exceptional level of brilliant people and workforce.

America is experiencing record levels of success in the stock exchange and unemployment as Greece but does not have the 2.7% primary surplus Greece has, he noted. The US ambassador said that the economic achievement in Greece did not happen by accident and attributed it to the hard work by the government and the Greek people and congratulated those who contributed to it.

Referring to Greece’s position, he pointed out that it is surrounded by pillars of instability. He spoke about newborn democracies in the north facing difficulties and challenges, he said that “there are countries in Europe that feel they can invade their neighbour and change the boundaries of sovereignty by force, undermine democracies by exploiting energy, through blackmail, and we see the crisis which is currently raging in the Middle East”.

“In a region that is desperately seeking stability, Greece is the important partner because it does not operate by surprise, but on the basis of principles and values, and this is something that is appreciated by everyone,” Tsunis said. Greece is a serious, reliable partner and that is the reason it has gained Washington’s respect.

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Tsunis expressed his support for the integration of migrants in societies of Europe and of the US, and urged everyone to put aside division and see a world of hope and opportunity, possibility, kindness, and inclusion.


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