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Hi everyone, so this is the first real cooking/dish post I’ve uploaded since the beginning of summer, wish is on one side disappointing but also exciting. In June, I had just gotten my college diploma and I was really excited to go back to Athens and Greece for 3 months for an exciting internship. I thought about all of the fresh and delicious Mediterranean food I was going to eat, the weekly farmers’ markets I would browse through, the amazing pictures I was going to take, and the wonderful food I was going to cook and post on The Greek Glutton. But the truth is, working 9 to 6 five days a week with a 2 hour commute each day, I was so exhausted getting home during the week and on the weekends, that it was hard to pull myself off the couch or out of bed to go and do stuff. And on top of this I was staying with a friend and I felt bad turning her grandma’s kitchen into my own personal Greek Glutton sanctuary (and I can also add that her house had like zero natural light so I didn’t even know how I was going to take pictures even if I did decide to whip up some fantastic dish). So The Greek Glutton kind of fell by the wayside.

And I learned a harsh reality that as amazing and fun and delicious all of these blogs you see online are, they really mask the amount of work that goes into making them a reality. I really admire other food bloggers out there who are able to have these beautiful sites, all while juggling work, a family, and other activities. Up until now I’ve just been a college kid with no other responsibilities but myself and even I’m not able to post 3x a week and run a perfect website. No one tells you that if you want to start a food blog you need to have creativity to come up with recipe ideas, endurance to keep posting and cooking even when you get discouraged, a talented eye to take beautiful photographs, and insane technology skills to figure out all of the ridiculous behind-the-scenes stuff that goes into having one of these sites.

But I’m going to try to not beat myself up for not being perfect and to not get discouraged and keep cooking and working on perfecting this hobby. So now, back to the food! I’m not a big fish person and I usually don’t bake stuff in the oven, so I’m really happy at how well this dish turned out and how easy it was to make. My housemates also approved of it and I can say that there isn’t even a small morsel left because we practically inhaled the whole thing! I recommend this dish if you’re hosting a dinner party and want to cook for friends because it looks really impressive, makes your whole house smell like heaven, but really doesn’t require much work (but shhhh, you can pretend you spent hours slaving over this!). And of course I added some Greek flavors here by using oregano and tons of of olive oil, and as many of you know Greeks love fresh fish, since they do live by the sea after all!


1 lb flounder
5 – 6 small red potatoes
3 medium yellow squash
1 head garlic
Olive oil
Truffle oil
Dried oregano, crushed red pepper, salt and pepper
Wax paper
Baking dish

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Line a baking dish with wax paper and preheat your oven to 450 F. Slice the potatoes into small chunks and slice the yellow squash. Spread around the baking dish and drizzle generously with olive oil. Season generously with the oregano, red pepper, salt, and pepper. Drizzle lightly with truffle oil and place in the oven to bake for 40min. In the meantime chop the garlic. After 40min, take the dish out, and lay the flounder on top of the potatoes and yellow squash. Cover the fish in garlic, season with salt and pepper, and drizzle generously with olive oil and lightly with truffle oil. Bake for another 20min and serve immediately. Enjoy!

By: Natalia Alexander

The copyrights for these articles are owned by the Hellenic News of America. They may not be redistributed without the permission of the owner. The opinions expressed by our authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hellenic News of America and its representatives.

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