It is with great sadness that I write to tell you that our beloved, Rev. Dr. Demetrios Constantelos, Charles Cooper Townsend Sr. Distinguished Professor Emeritus of History and Religious Studies and Distinguished Scholar in Residence passed away last evening. Professor Constantelos died in peace, surrounded by his loving children. He touched the lives of so many of us, and his loss will be deeply felt, at Stockton, Holy Trinity and around the world.
Professor Constantelos was an extraordinary and special person, a man of deep faith and conviction who tirelessly worked to enlighten the world around him. He was the founder and foundation of our Stockton Hellenic Studies program of which he was so proud. We will continue to honor his mission and memory for as long as Stockton exists.
It is only appropriate at this moment (and as Fr. Demetrios would do) to summon Socrates, from the Apology, who said, “But if death is the journey to another place, and there, as men say, all the dead abide, what good, O my friends and judges, can be greater than this?”
As Socrates suggests, Fr. Demetrios will then be able to ask questions and strive for answers from all who came before, in his continued search for truth and wisdom– just as he did while he was here on this earth with us– and his questions will be answered.
Announcements about arrangements will be forthcoming.
Please note: although Fr. Demetrios would hate to cancel any scholarship event– the Friends of Hellenic Studies has decided to cancel the Saturday January 14 night event (St. Basil Bread and Beer at the Tuckahoe Brewery).
Aionia e mneme Autou. May his memory be eternal.
Sincerely yours,
Tom Papademetriou, Ph.D.
Professor of Historical Studies
Constantine & Georgian Georgiou Endowed
Professor of Greek History
Director, Dean C. and Zoe S. Pappas
Interdisciplinary Center for Hellenic Studies
(Photo of Professor Constantelos welcoming the Stockton group to his home in Spilia, the “capital” of Greece!)