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GreeceBringing about the return of Greeks abroad 'a moral duty', Michailidou says

Bringing about the return of Greeks abroad ‘a moral duty’, Michailidou says

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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Bringing about the return of the Greeks abroad “is not only an economic need but a social and moral duty,” Labour and Social Security Minister Domna Michailidou said in her speech at the annual event organised by BrainReGain-Hellenism In Action.

Greece should “embrace” its children, who left the country seeking job opportunities and “offer them a friendly and supportive environment so they may return and contribute to their country” she said at the event, held on Tuesday and referred to her own experience living and working abroad for 12 years.

“It is exteremely important to ‘send a message’ to our compatriots that live abroad that our economy is doing well, that salaries are rising and that, if they want to found a business in Greece, they will won’t be discouraged by the bureaucracy.”

The minister focused on three pillars that are key for the repatriation of ‘talent’ to the country. “Coming back to Greece means salary, tax incentives, allowances and tax indicators. It means services for the harmonisation of family with professional life, whether for children or for the elderly. It means a friendly and inclusive environment for all”.


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