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vanashing cyprus june2014


By Andreas C Chrysafis

June, 2014 (No55) ©


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Humanity is witnessing chaos in a number of countries across the world and innocent civilians are forcibly trapped in a vicious cycle of hopelessness, brutality and indifference! According to the UNHCR World Refugee Day over 50 million people were displaced in their own country by terrorists action. Each day passing, we are witnessing merciless killings of biblical proportions, mass graves, rapes, refugees and atrocities committed by Jihadists in the name of God.


Under the very noses of world governments, extremist militant radicals the likes of Boko Haram; ISIL Sunni Jihadists; Hamas; Al Nusra Front; Al Qaeda; the Taliban; Al Shabaab in Somalia and other fundamental groups are on a bloodbath trail and have one goal in mind – waging Jihad (Holy War) against the perceived “enemies of Islam”.


Like a rolling stone gathering pace so is their ability to move with speed. US Secretary of State Mr. John Kerry did not mince his words and was clear about the imminent Jihadist threat against western nations and warned that: “No country is safe”.


Many questions come to mind but primarily: who finances those militants to purchase such sophisticated and state-of-the-art weaponry? Which banks do they use to complete their business transactions? How do they transfer millions internationally from one unethical bank into another without interception? Who are those companies and arms manufacturers willing to do business with such people?


In fact, western governments including the EU know precisely who those suppliers are and also whom they bank with, and yet, they fail to go after the culprits and prosecute those same banks and their agents. Killing thousands in the name of profit is justified as any true capitalist will claim; “its only business”!  Banks are not above the law to decide who should live and who should die and must be held accountable for their unethical practices.


Should Cyprus worry?


Considering what is happening across the Eastern Mediterranean the answer is self-evident. However, the millions of decent law abiding citizens of the Muslim faith cannot be linked with those militias and are certainly not a threat to anyone. But the possible expansion of Jihadist radicals reaching our shores through Syria and Turkey via the occupied part of Cyprus poses a real threat to the security and safety for all the citizens of Cyprus. Steps must be put in place to prevent this from happening.


Since the Cyprus government has no control over to what is clandestinely being brewed up by radicals in the Turkish occupied area of the Republic, the crossings provide an easy access for all sorts of activities directed against the rest of the island.


In fact, it would be prudent to consider reducing or even stopping the flow of people entering from the crossings until the Jihadist threat is over. It will be much better to be safe today than be sorry tomorrow!


Meanwhile the Carnage of the Innocent continues to grow without a hindrance across the Mesopotamia region and no power seems to be prepared to stop this madness of brutal inhumanity.


Andreas C Chrysafis

Author – Writer – Artist


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