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GreeceBusinessCivil Aviation Authority reports 5.4% increase in passenger traffic at its airports...

Civil Aviation Authority reports 5.4% increase in passenger traffic at its airports in Jan-Aug 2024

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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Passenger traffic at the 24 airports managed by Greece’s Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) increased 5.4% according to provisional figures for January-August 2024 released on Monday. In total, there were 8,184,830 passenger arrivals and departures on both foreign and domestic flights, up from 7,762,918 during the same period in 2023. The largest increases in traffic in August 2024 relative to the previous year were at the airports of Kasos (60.4%), Milos (36.3%) and Sitia (29.8%).

Statistics for January-August 2024 for all 39 airports in the country (24 CAA-managed airports plus 14 managed by FRAPORT GREECE) showed a 9.1% increase in passenger traffic, which rose to 54,769,867 passenger arrivals and departures from 50,191,061 in the same period in 2023.

The number of aircraft arrivals and departures over the same period for all 39 airports, for which air traffic control is mainly a CAA responsibility, increased by 6.8% over the eight-month period relative to the previous year, with a total of 415,121 flights operated in January-August 2024, up from 388,579 flights in January-August 2023.


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