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Greek CommunityDaughters of Epirus Honor Chris P. Tomaras with Philanthropy Award

Daughters of Epirus Honor Chris P. Tomaras with Philanthropy Award

Hellenic News
Hellenic News
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Daughters of Epirus Honor Chris P. Tomaras with Philanthropy Award

Hellenes from across the globe converged in Chicago last weekend for the 38th Biennial National Convention of the Panepirotic Federation of America, which occurred between Friday November 8 through Sunday November 10, 2013.

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The 3-day convention took place at the Chicago Marriott O’Hare and included a weekend full of activities such as elections, open business sessions, official reports from the President and Treasurer of the Federation, along with a very special gala dinner on Saturday, November 9th, where Chris P. Tomaras was honored by the Daughters of Epirus with the organization’s first ever Philanthropy Award. “I am deeply honored by this award as it reflects my deep sentiments of concern and recognition of the struggle of the Hellenes in Northern Epirus and I commend the Daughters and the Federation for their continuous efforts in defense of our brothers and sisters’ rights there,” said Tomaras.

Chris P. Tomaras Receives Philanthropy Award from Maria Vassiliades, President of the Daughters of Epirus.

Also honored by the Daughters of Epirus with the Lifetime Service Award was Chris Kirkos, a former president of the Federation. The Federation also recognized its former president Vasilios Mikelis, along with Helen Alexander for their service in the Greek American Community. The evening’s special honoree was three-time Olympic gold medalist and first ever member of the Greek Parliament born in Northern Epirus, Pyrros Dimas. Entertainment was provided by renowned clarinetist George Bezanes from New York City, who contributed to the joyous atmosphere of the traditional Epirotiko glendi.

Newly elected to the Board of Directors was Mr. Nicholas Gage who will be supported in his tenure by 10 more regular and 3 alternate members.

The Panepirotic Federation was founded in 1942 by the Greeks of Worcester and the surrounding region. Among the Federation’s core beliefs is the improvement of the economic situation and quality of life of people living in Epirus, as well as the Greek minority living in Southern Albania and the protection of their basic human rights.

The PanHellenic Scholarship Foundation is proud to be associated with the Panepirotic Federation of America and supports all its efforts relating to the Greek Minority in Albania and any other worthwhile cause it may pursuit.


Photo Credit: Pan Hellenic Scholarships

The copyrights for these articles are owned by the Hellenic News of America. They may not be redistributed without the permission of the owner. The opinions expressed by our authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hellenic News of America and its representatives.

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