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GreeceDriving in Greece: A Nerve-Wracking Experience for Many

Driving in Greece: A Nerve-Wracking Experience for Many

Hellenic News
Hellenic News
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According to a recent study by Scrap Car Comparison, Greece ranks among the top 25 most daunting places in the world for drivers. The UK-based magazine surveyed 2,000 drivers from ten different countries, including the United States, Canada, and various European nations. Participants were asked to evaluate their feelings of anxiety about driving in 49 popular tourist destinations on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 indicating minimal anxiety and 10 indicating extreme nervousness.

Greece, known for its “chaotic traffic conditions,” has been identified alongside Turkey and Hungary as one of the European countries that most intimidate international drivers. Scoring 5.86 on the anxiety scale, Greece is positioned at 23rd, just above Italy, which received a score of 5.83.

The study points out that both Greece and Italy are infamous for their winding, narrow streets and congested traffic, creating challenges for visitors who are unaccustomed to such driving environments. The winding roads, especially on the islands and mountainous areas, can be particularly tricky to navigate, often lacking safety features like barriers or wide shoulders.

In less populated or rural regions, road conditions can further exacerbate driving difficulties. Issues such as potholes and poorly maintained surfaces contribute to a riskier driving environment, particularly in adverse weather conditions or at night.

On a global scale, India has been ranked as the most intimidating country for motorists, with an average anxiety score of 7.15. Following India are Venezuela and Zimbabwe, both of which also receive high scores. Many nations in Africa and Asia dominate the list of countries where driving can be particularly nerve-racking, with Morocco and Thailand featured among the top five.

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While Greece is considered challenging, other countries like the United Kingdom and the United States rank lower on the anxiety scale, suggesting that drivers in those regions may feel more confident behind the wheel. Conversely, the Netherlands stands out as the most reassuring place for tourists to drive, thanks to its well-maintained roadways and clear signage.

The copyrights for these articles are owned by the Hellenic News of America. They may not be redistributed without the permission of the owner. The opinions expressed by our authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hellenic News of America and its representatives.

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