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Greek CommunityEventsEllinopoula an innovative Greek educational platform

Ellinopoula an innovative Greek educational platform

Hellenic News
Hellenic News
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Latest articles, an innovative educational platform to help children learn Greek through fun methods, aims to revitalize the learning of the Greek language and is different from everything that there is out there in the market.

How?  While there are several sites for adults to learn Greek with a lot of similarities between them and most of them translated from other languages, Ellinopoula’s focus is the children and how to entice them to learn Greek. It has been developed by a group of educated and passionate Greeks specifically for Greek children.

Why? Besides their love for Greece and Hellenism, all science shows that early learning of another language and Greek in particular has long term benefits in the development of a child and the success later in his/her life and career as an adult.

An adult makes a conscious decision to learn Greek therefore no matter what the school or web site of his choice is, he will learn if he wants.  However, Ellinopoula as the title says, focuses on children. The goal is to make it more fun for children and offer them videos, games and interactive activities suited to their way of thinking and learning. They also want to harness children’s natural inclination to technology and use it as a tool for the right purpose. Though, surprise surprise many adults like the animal and robot sound effects and all the games. For example in order to learn the letter A you can play the Alphabet Bubbles game, or a Car Racing game or do a cutout puzzle or a coloring page with a neighing horse or a mooing cow or watch a singing video etc..This is more effective for children.

But that is not all. They integrate all these into a unique learning path which also exposes children to Greek Mythology, History and Culture.  The illustrations of Ellinopoula’s Learning Path have been designed by an award-winning artist. Children have the option to follow their Learning Path which is suited to their age and level or at any time get out of the path and play any game, quiz or song or watch a cartoon video and then get back to it at a later time. No matter what they do on their site whether they watch a cartoon video or play a game or a quiz or a cutout puzzle or on-line coloring, they will learn Greek because everything has images, sound and text.

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Aren’t Greek schools for that reason? Of course they are, and though nothing can replace a good teacher, the reality is that even if parents can drive their children to the Greek school, they go there only once or twice a week for couple of hours. The rest of the week the children are immersed in the culture of their native country.  No one can learn a language this way. The Ellinopoula program can work both as a supplement to the Greek School and/or as a main course.  Many schools have asked for the program to be available to them and others have already incorporated it in their curriculum because it helps them in multiple ways.

Ellinopoula offers couple of pricing plans and subscriptions. They also offer one month free trial and there are no contracts or commitments. People can cancel any time. If you use the promotional code of “HNA” you will get 20% off.

Check out the platform at

The copyrights for these articles are owned by the Hellenic News of America. They may not be redistributed without the permission of the owner. The opinions expressed by our authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hellenic News of America and its representatives.

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