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GreeceEU's response to Ukraine situation will be dynamic, says PM Mitsotakis arriving...

EU’s response to Ukraine situation will be dynamic, says PM Mitsotakis arriving at Summit

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said that events in Ukraine not only violate International Law, they also challenge Europe’s entire security structure, speaking upon his arrival at the extraordinary EU Summit in Brussels on Thursday.

The EU will respond dynamically against what he called “the largest military invasion into an independent country since WWII,” noted the Greek premier.

In this summit, he added, European leaders “united in one front, will decide on some hard sanctions against Russia,” and at the same time “build some resistance against developments that could potentially harm European economies.”

Concerning the expected conclusions of this summit, Mitsotakis stressed he has asked that a clause be included which would allow the European Commission to study and propose emergency protection measures for member states against abrupt price hikes in energy costs.

This way, he added, “we can protect ourselves from a potential blackmail from the Russian side,” and “show we are treading on the path of defending International Law and legality.”

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