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Featured Greek NewsFood delivery by the Hellenic Relief foundation. Have we all done our...

Food delivery by the Hellenic Relief foundation. Have we all done our part?

Hellenic News
Hellenic News
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For the third Christmas in a row, the well established food delivery by the Hellenic Relief foundation took place. A total of 647 packages with turkeys and other various food, all suitable for the festive table, were distributed. Of those packages; 344 were given to families in Athens, 103 to numerous organizations including SOS Villages Meropion home for old age and National Infant Housing, and 200 were distributed in Corfu.

The funds for the Athens distribution were raised during a Grigoris Maninakis concert that took place on December 13th . This concert was organized by the community of the Saints Nicholas Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church is Roseland New Jersey. The funds for the Corfu distribution ware raised by the Pan Kerkyraikos Association during their recent dinner gala, these funds were raised from various donations, as well as form the associations of Mathraki and Ereikousa.

The distributions took place on December 20th and 22nd in Athens, and on December 23rd in Corfu. The food delivery was also enhanced with products donated by various food companies in Greece. A member of the board of directors, Stelios Taketzis stated

“ Only six days elapsed between the concert in New Jersey and the distribution in Greece. In this short time period the funds were collected, remitted to the food suppliers, the turkeys and the rest  of the food was received, packaged and distributed to those in need. This shows that the volunteers both in New York and Greece have established a well organized mechanism that can act swiftly and with good results. On behalf of all who will enjoy holiday meals with dignity we want to thank all who have supported and continue to support this effort.”

ABOUT HELLENIC RELIEF FOUNDATION A Non-Profit 501 c 3 Organization,

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The Hellenic Relief Foundation was founded in February of 2012, with the goal of raising funds in the United States to be used towards the purchase of food items, and other basic necessities for the underprivileged in Greece that have increased in numbers due to the current crisis. To date, approximately 225,000 dollars have been remitted, with these funds, approximately  240 tons of aid has been purchased and distributed, in monthly deliveries, to about 15,000 families in need.

For more information:

Fotos :  Stavros Tsakiridis

Best wishes for Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all of us at the Hellenic Relief Foundation.

The copyrights for these articles are owned by the Hellenic News of America. They may not be redistributed without the permission of the owner. The opinions expressed by our authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hellenic News of America and its representatives.

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