The Greek state budget remained on a positive course in May with tax revenue exceeding targets by 9.3% in the month..
More specifically, a report by the Finance ministry showed that tax revenue totaled 5.151 billion euros in May, up 9.3% from targets, while tax revenue rose 9.6% from targets in the January-May period totaling 22.954 billion euros.
The general government budget showed a deficit of 1.126 billion euros in the five-month period, from a budget target for a shortfall of 4.446 billion and a deficit of 4.066 billion euros in the same period last year. The state budget recorded a primary suprlus of 2.289 billion euros in the January-May period, from a budget target for a deficit of 1.396 billion and a primary deficit of 1.487 billion euros in the corresponding period in 2022.
Net revenue was 26.241 billion euros, up 12.6% from targets, while tax revenue was 22.954 billion euros, up 9.6% from targets. Tax returns totaled 2.707 billion euros, up 459 million from targets, while Public Investment Programme revenue was 1.950 billion euros, up 240 million from targets.
Budget spending totaled 27.368 billion euros in the January-May period, down 383 million from targets, but up 1.015 billion from the same period last year reflecting higher capital spending. Regular budget spending was down 470 million from targets. Public Investment Programme spending totaled 3.877 billion euros, up 87 million from targets.
In May, budget revenue totaled 5.185 billion euros, up 426 million from targets, with tax revenue surpassing targets by 9.3% to 5.151 billion.
Tax returns totaled 579 million euros, up 70 million from targets, while Public Investment Programme revenue was 195 million euros, down 100 million from targets.