The copyrights for these articles are owned by HNA. They may not be redistributed without the permission of the owner. The opinions expressed by our authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of HNA and its representatives.
The main goal of the Hellenic American National Council and its President Mr. Paul Kotrotsios has been always «synergy», establish better communication channels and cooperation among its Members at the Presidents Forum, between the Federations and the Executive Council of the Hellenic American National Council, so we can all work and be more effective on our National Issues. We must adopt one policy, commonly accepted by each Federation so everyone can understand the issue and then act and present it at any time to our elected Officials.
We have no resources that can be wasted, everyone’s help is now needed more than ever, all our voices need to be heard in order to lay out our future. The Hellenic American National Council has always been working around the clock, especially our established committees, so everyone’s valuable time will be used towards addressing all those issues that are important to our community with a priority. With our new moto «all together means power», there will be a meeting on Saturday November 5th, 2011 at New York’s Crown Plaza Hotel from 12 Noon to 5 p.m in order for the Presidents of Federations and Delegates and the Executive Board to come together, so we can discuss all those issues and strategies that would help us move forward, under one umbrella, as Hellenic American National Council, as omogeneia, as Hellenes.
This meeting is supported by Marathon Bank
Please see the Agenda
Saturday NOVEMBER 5th, 201, at the LaGuardia Plaza Hotel
104-04 Ditmars Blvd. East Elmhurst, NY 11369 TEL: 718 269-1718 in the heart of Astoria
Rates for the HANC members are id=”mce_marker”49 per room $35 pp for the Luncheon
Saturday, November 5, 2011
12-2 pm Special Farewell Luncheon in honor of the Honorable Agi Balta, Consul General of Greece Participation of all Members of the Executive Board, Presidents Forum, Past Presidents and Delegates
2:00 pm HANC Meeting called to order
Hotel (Meeting location on the second floor to be posted at Hotel Lobby)
Major Sponsor of the Executive Council Meeting: MARATHON BANK
Welcome by: Elias Tsekerides, President Federation of the Hellenic American Societies of New York, Host Organization
Opening remarks and Welcoming Guests by Paul Kotrotsios, President of HANC / HELLENIC AMERICAN NATIONAL COUNCIL
(Invited): His Eminence Archbishop Dimitrios of America or Representative of the Archdiocese
Honorable Agi Balta, Consul General of Greece
Honorable Koula Sophianou, Consul General of Cyprus
US Congressman John Sarbanes (D-MD) Assemblywoman Aravella Simotas State Senator Michael Giannaris
SAE US Coordinator, Mr. Theodore Spyropoulos
AHEPA Supreme President Dr. John Grossomanides and Members of the Supreme Lodge
AHIF President Dr. Spiros Spireas
AHI President, Nick Larigakis
Dr. Spyros Mezitis, President of the Global Medical Society, Founder of the Renaissance Organization
Representative of Marathon Bank
3:00 pm: Greetings and short reports by all present Presidents of Federations, Members of HANC
3:30 pm Report of the Vice Presidents in charge of the Committees
4:00 pm Report of the Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer
4:15 pm Report of the Secretary and Assistant Secretary
4:30 pm Report of the Committees (Feel free to join any committee you want to work with. After all we all need to share the responsibilities and contribute to the organization)
National Issues Committee: Chairman Chris Christakis
Latest developments, information, call for joining the committees and plan of action. (Macedonian Issue)
Educational Committee: Kostas Koutrakos, Chairman in cooperation with Stella Kokolis
Latest news on the Greek teachers recall, Alternative solutions, plan of action
Credentials Committee , Youth, Culture and Public Relations Committees: Dimitris Rozanitis
All Federations must fill in the Form for their Delegates and contribute to the committees names
What interests us today? Economic outlook Local, National, International- Greece Invited Speakers experts in the field.
5:00 End of the meeting. Special Announcements
6:00 PM Those that wish to attend the Dinner in Support of Cosmos FM honoring our past president Mr. Theodore Spyropoulos can continue to attend the Dinner at the Terrace on the Park
Expert Speakers invited by the Pan Macedonian Federation will inform the Members of HANC on the new developments on the Issue. This is an opportunity to be informed of issues of mutual concern, to be briefed on by the responsible Federation which handles the issue and is responsible for that issue. WE PROMOTE SYNERGY that works with 3 wins instead of one or two. In our next meeting our Vice President Chris Christakis and National Issues Committee Chairman will decide with his members, who gets the floor and mostly will be the members active in the HANC National Issues Committee.
The copyrights for these articles are owned by the Hellenic News of America. They may not be redistributed without the permission of the owner. The opinions expressed by our authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hellenic News of America and its representatives.