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GreeceHellenic Relief Foundation's Monthly Distribution Program: Providing Essential Support to Vulnerable Families

Hellenic Relief Foundation’s Monthly Distribution Program: Providing Essential Support to Vulnerable Families

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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Thursday July 13th marked the Hellenic Relief Foundation’s commencement of their regular monthly distribution program. As always, the H.R.F. ensures the provision of stable monthly food packages containing essential items such as flour, pasta, rice, legumes, oil, milk,canned goods, frozen vegetables, and margarine. This initiative, in collaboration with the Social Committee of the Athenian Society and the N. Konstantopoulou Group, aims to alleviate the hardships faced by vulnerable families.

Of the 350 families eligible for assistance, around 220 families attended on the first day and received food packages, and had the opportunity to select clothing, footwear, and other essentials to meet their specific needs.

The distribution took place at the Athens premises of the H.R.F. and their partner organization in Greece, in the presence of esteemed guests including Ambassador Mr. Loukcs Tsilas, Mr. Eleftherios Skiadas (President of the Municipal Council of the Municipality of Athens and President of the Athenian Society), and Mr. Stelios Taketzis, member of the Board of Directors of the H.R.F. Under the guidance of Ms. Maria Siourdi, the responsible person overseeing the distribution, and with the invaluable assistance of volunteers Ms. Soula Belli and Ms.
Antonia Pantovaki, the event was a resounding success.

During the event, Stelios Taketzis, on behalf of the H.R.F. Board, expressed his gratitude to all the volunteers and emphasized that while the crisis may have abated for Greece as a whole, it continues to impact the lives of many Greeks. Seniors raising grandchildren and large single-parent families, among others, still require assistance, and the H.R.F. remains committed to supporting the heroic efforts of the volunteers led by Maria Sourdi, who are tirelessly working to make a difference.

The H.R.F. were honored to have Ambassador Mr. Loucas Tsilas and his grandson George Koutrouvelis join them. The young Greek-American actively participated in the preparation and delivery of the parcels, describing it as a deeply meaningful experience. Mr. Tsilas expressed his admiration for both the evident need faced by those lacking basic necessities and the utmost importance placed on preserving the dignity of the individuals receiving assistance.

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The H.R.F. extends its heartfelt gratitude to their partners who have generously contributed to enrich the fixed food packages. The Food Bank, along with companies such as Barba Stathis, Agrovim, Karamolegos AEBE, Loulis Mills, FrieslandCampina, Colgate-Palmolive, Ariston Butter, and Softex, who have donated additional products such as butter, frozen vegetables, toast, and napkins.

The Hellenic Relief Foundation Inc. is a non profit organization (501(c)3) and was founded in 2012, with the goal of raising funds in the United States to be used towards the purchase of food items, and other basic necessities for the underprivileged in Greece that have increased in numbers due to the current crisis. To date, around 850,000 dollars have been remitted, and with donations within Greece, as well as volunteered social and medicinal services, the true value of the aid is roughly 1.5 million dollars. The expenses of the HRF are covered by board members. For more information:


The copyrights for these articles are owned by the Hellenic News of America. They may not be redistributed without the permission of the owner. The opinions expressed by our authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hellenic News of America and its representatives.

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