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Hymns from Paraklesis

Hellenic News
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The following hymns are the Exapostilaria that are chanted at the end of the Paraklesis Service to the Panagia during this fasting period.  It is definitely worth going to at least one service to hear these hymns. They are beautiful, and on a personal note, some of my favorites. They assist us in our  efforts to attain a proper mindset and attitude in preparation for the feast of the Dormition (Falling Asleep) of the Panagia (η Κοίμηση της Θεοτόκου). 


Ἦχος γ’

Ἀπόστολοι ἐκ περάτων, συναθροισθέντες ἐνθάδε, Γεθσημανῆ τῷ χωρίῳ, κηδεύσατέ μου τὸ σῶμα, καὶ σύ, Υἱὲ καὶ Θεέ μου, παράλαβέ μου τὸ πνεῦμα.


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Ὁ γλυκασμὸς τῶν Ἀγγέλων, τῶν θλιβομένων ἡ χαρά, χριστιανῶν ἡ προστάτις, Παρθένε Μήτηρ Κυρίου, ἀντιλαβοῦ μου καὶ ῥῦσαι, τῶν αἰωνίων βασάνων.


Καὶ σὲ μεσίτριαν ἔχω, πρὸς τὸν φιλάνθρωπον Θεόν, μή μου ἐλέγξῃ τὰς πράξεις, ἐνώπιον τῶν Ἀγγέλων, παρακαλῶ σε, Παρθένε, βοήθησόν μοι ἐν τάχει.


Χρυσοπλοκώτατε πύργε, καὶ δωδεκάτειχε πόλις, ἡλιοστάλακτε θρόνε, καθέδρα τοῦ Βασιλέως, ἀκατανόητον θαῦμα, πῶς γαλουχεῖς τὸν Δεσπότην;


– The Greek text is from Father Leo Schefe at

Mode 3

O You Apostles from far off,

Being gathered together

in the village of Gethsemane,

Lay my body in burial,

And You, my Son, and my God,

Receive now my spirit from me.


You are the sweetness of Angels,

The gladness of the afflicted ones,

A protection of all Christians,

O Virgin Mother of our Lord;

Grant me now help and save me

From the eternal torments.


I have you as Mediator

Before God who loves mankind;

May He not question my action

Before the hosts of the Angels,

I ask of you, O Virgin,

Hasten now quickly to my aid.


You are a tower adorned with gold,

A city surrounded by twelve walls,

A shining throne touched by the sun,

A royal seat for the King,

O unexplainable wonder,

How do you nurse the Master?


 -The English text is from The Service of Small Paraklesis (Intercessory Prayer) to the Most Holy Theotokos – ΑΚΟΛΟΥΘΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΜΙΚΡΑΣ ΠΑΡΑΚΛΗΣΕΩΣ ΕΙΣ ΤΗΝ ΥΠΕΡΑΓΙΑΝ ΘΕΟΤΟΚΟΝ, translated and set to meter by Demetri Kangelaris and Nicholas Kasemeotes, Holy Cross Orthodox Press: Brookline, MA, 1997.


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