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GreeceBusinessMicrosoft Data Center construction begins in Spata

Microsoft Data Center construction begins in Spata

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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An information meeting with journalists was held by the CEO of Microsoft Greece, Cyprus, and Malta Gianna Andronopoulos regarding the construction of the Data Center in Spata as part of the strategic investment that Microsoft is implementing in Greece.

Andronopoulou spoke about the importance for the company of building a relationship of trust with the Spata community.

The cooperation with the Municipality of Spata – Artemida aims to highlight the region’s rich cultural and historical heritage, create opportunities for its inhabitants, and envision an ambitious future by investing in education for the young generation attending the ten public schools in the region.

Andronopoulou mentioned that following the approval of the relevant studies, the issuance of the Presidential Decree, and the permit for preliminary works the construction of the Data Center will commence immediately.


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