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GreeceMitsotakis: A European solution to the energy crisis has delayed

Mitsotakis: A European solution to the energy crisis has delayed

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and his Lithuanian counterpart Ingrida Simonyte on Monday expressed confidence that European energy ministers will reach agreement on how to tackle the energy crisis, in joint statements shortly after their meeting in Lithuania’s capital.

“It would be a failure if the energy ministers do not agree. The issue will then be passed on to the heads of state. There must be an agreement. The solutions that have been designed address the concerns of the countries. Now that the TTF has balanced out at expensive but acceptable levels is the time to implement such a mechanism,” Mitsotakis said.
He thanked the Lithuanian premier for her support of the Greek positions from the first moment.

“It is the right conjuncture and the right time to find a solution. Lithuania has supported this idea from the start of the spikes and fluctuations of the energy market,” Simonyte added.

The two prime ministers condemned the Russian invasion of Ukraine and Russia’s weaponisation of energy, while Simonyte noted that there was a common ground with Greece so that the response is European-wide.

Simonyte emphasised that the energy cap must be imposed promptly, with Mitsotakis noting Europe had delayed in offering a solution and stressing the need to send a clear message that the EU will deal with those seeking to profiteer in a uniform manner.

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Mitsotakis said it was imperative to support Ukraine for as long as it takes and that they had both condemned the recent Russian missile strikes on Ukrainian cities.
“We continue to support the full independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine,” Mitsotakis said, while he also referred to Turkish provocations in the Eastern Mediterranean, stating that Turkey is undermining stability and security in the surrounding regions. The last thing needed now, he added, was another source of tension, between two allies in NATO.

“Greece has a window open to dialogue and its door is always shut to provocations and threats against its territorial integrity,” he said.

Mitsotakis also criticised Turkey’s stance regarding the Russian invasion of Ukraine, saying that it appeared to “consider that it does not have to pick a side, as if there is no right or wrong.” He noted that the sanctions against Russia must have an impact on the Russian economy, which meant that all countries need to conform with them.


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