Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Tuesday visited the “Tzanio” General Hospital in Piraeus, where extensive projects are being carried out to upgrade the hospital, with funding from the Recovery and Resilience Facility.
The prime minister emphasized the origin of the resources used for the reconstruction of the hospital, underlining that this is the “best proof that the resources of the Recovery Facility are being used to implement projects that have been delayed for a long time, for the overall upgrade of public health and the national health system.”
Overall, he said that his vision for the new national health system includes quality infrastructure, with substantial utilization of European resources and that “we will continue to work in this direction.”
At the end of his visit, the prime minister said: “I want to express my satisfaction at the speed with which the important work of reconstructing the ‘Tzanio’ Hospital is being set in motion.”
“I would like to emphasize that the resources used for the reconstruction of ‘Tzanio’ come from the Recovery and Resilience Facility. And I want to thank the Hellenic Republic Asset Develoment Fund, as the implementing body, for the great speed at which it is initiating important projects, which for our hospitals alone exceed 300 million euros,” he added.