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GreeceMitsotakis: The main pillars of our foreign policy will not change

Mitsotakis: The main pillars of our foreign policy will not change

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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New Democracy (ND) leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis in an interview broadcast on all national channels on Sunday from Lavrio referred to the migrants’ shipwreck in Pylos stating that “the migrants issue is an extremely complex problem. Europe has changed policy and recognised that there can’t be an asylum policy without the protection of the external borders. The steps taken appear to be closer to our country’s positions.

Asked on a possible meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Mitsotakis underlined that “a meeting with Erdogan should not be special news” and characterised ‘positive’ development the meeting they will have in Vilnius when “he (Erdogan) did not want to meet me in the past”.

He also said that the main pillars of our foreign policy will not change. “Our country strengthens its position as factor of stability in the region; it builds alliances with new countries and continues to invest part of its wealth for its protection”. I will not tell Mr. Erdogan what he should do with his Armed Forces and it is our undeniable right to strengthen the Greek Armed Forces”.

On June 27 will swear in a government of hard work and results. The citizens have rewarded us but also asked us to run even faster to the major changes and to the reforms that our country needs. “I am totally aware of the huge responsibility and I will search for the best for the job., We do not have a hidden agenda, I do not  hold any surprises to the citizens, they know that we will do another big intervention to the state and we will further enchance the digitisation”.

Asked on the possibility of third elections, Mitsotakis expressed the certainty that “there will be no need to meet again here in August and there will be no need for third elections”.
Referring to the health system he sait that “the citizens are right to be anxious and to ask for drastic interventions. For me, the restructuring of the National Health System is maybe the greatest wager.

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