By Judie Pappas
On Sunday, November 15, Narcissus Chapter 289 of Ft. Lauderdale, FL held an Artoklasia celebrating the 91st Anniversary of the Daughters of Penelope which was founded by Alexandra Apostolides on November 16, 1929, in San Francisco, CA. One of our members Sister Karyl Zitis prepared and baked the five loaves of bread. We were blessed to have Father Peter Zougras, our Parish Priest do the Artoklasia.
Our Chapter will be celebrating our 63rd anniversary on December 8, 2020. We have been blessed with the knowledge of several of our founders of Narcissus Chapter 289 who are still with us to help carry on the traditions of the Daughters of Penelope. Along with their knowledge and the enthusiasm of all our members we have an amazing group of sisters.