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GreeceCultureNational Gallery event celebrates gift by Contemporary Greek Art Institute

National Gallery event celebrates gift by Contemporary Greek Art Institute

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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An archival exhibition dedicated to the role of the Contemporary Greek Art Institute (ISET) was inaugurated on Wednesday in the presence of Greek President Katerina Sakellaropoulou.

ISET was founded in 2009 as a non-profit organization by Panhellenic Art Galleries Association founder (1993) and more recently ‘Art Athina’ art fair Director Julia Dimakopoulou. She had also co-founded the legendary ‘Nees Morfes’ (New Forms) Art Gallery, and through ISET had aimed to document the trajectory of art in Greece from 1945 to the present day.

Pointing out the historical significance of Nees Morfes, Sakellaropoulou said that its was “one of the points of reference for all of us who grew up in the era of the dictatorship, when the few art galleries in existence brought together artists and audiences at events that replaced forbidden political action.”

Run as a center for the preservation of modern Greek art history, ISET donated its rich digital archive, technical equipment and its very building in central Athens (9 Valaoritou St.) to Greece’s National Gallery. Stavros Niarchos Foundation has supported ISET for several years.

The event, held at ISET’s headquarters, was attended by Deputy Minister of Culture & Sports Nikolas Giatromanolakis, National Gallery Director Marina Labraki-Plaka and PanHellenic Galleries Association founder and Art Athina art fair Director Julia Dimakopoulou.

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