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GreeceCyprusNEW GENEVA TALKS & CYPRUS Article Revolution of the Mind...

NEW GENEVA TALKS & CYPRUS Article Revolution of the Mind Series Andreas C Chrysafis

Hellenic News
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The conference for the ultimate dissolution of the Republic of Cyprus is about to start again. The same institution that has failed to implement a single one of its unanimously adopted UN Security Council Resolutions on Cyprus has organized yet another meeting this month on 28th of July.


For some, while the UN Geneva2 initiative offers a cautious degree of “legitimacy and credence” the Cyprus government embarrassingly hails this as a diplomatic victory of sorts.

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One wonders what justifies their exuberance to praise the Unite Nations when for 43 years their efforts did not amount too much but in fact they failed to adopt their own resolutions to isolate Turkey for its military invasion and occupation of 40% of the island.


When it comes to the Cyprus issue offering false hope and “pies in the sky” for political expediency, has always been the norm.


That is all about to change now.


The new summit will implicate a demoted Cypriot President to a Greek Cypriot community leader (not the recognized President of the Republic of Cyprus); the Turkish Cypriot community leader of the pseudo-TRNC; the three foreign ministers of the 1960 guarantor powers (Greece, Britain and Turkey) as well as a new player on the block; the European Union, which will act as an observer!


Hidden away from public scrutiny this critical gathering will go ahead under strict conditions that no leaks can reach the press or the people until the bartering game is over. Its main objective ­­is to carve up the island’s integrity and seek ways to rescind a referendum as promised to the Cypriot people on the issue!


Through a well-planned collusion to mislead citizens, the signing of the Geneva agreement would probably be ratified by a “parliamentary decision” and not a referendum. Those in favour of a federated partitioning solution will certainly not risk another “NO” vote similar to the ill-fated UN Annan Plan.


The horse-trading in Geneva2 will entail one basic principle: “some constitutional powers and territorial rights for you and some for me!” They are gambling that an agreement will succeed so the Republic of Cyprus will be dissolved and replaced by a new EU Cyprus and then, problem solved! Pathetic!


This ghastly attempt to break up the sovereign state of Cyprus goes against the basic fabric of the United Nations, European Union and the free world. One does not reward a military invasion by a bully nation such a Turkey for political convenience.  If so, there is no hope with such dysfunctional mentality but rather confirms there are no principles in politics but simply self-interests! As for Justice, well, that does not come into play!


Yet, since everyone knows that Erdogan makes all decisions why is he not in Geneva and around the table during the talks?


The answer is simple; his absence can be viewed as a classic Ottoman ploy that provides Ankara an open window for a quick escape! Just like the last time, when Turkey’s foreign minister abruptly walked out of the Mont Pelerin session to “receive instructions from Erdogan” and never returned!


Cleverly, Mr. Erdogan as the head of the state will never allow himself to be cornered in such a precarious political situation and yet Mr. Anastasiades is more than ready to be humiliated again as before.


It is most probable that the same ploy for a “quick escape” would be repeated again this time around and there is a good reason for that; Turkey has no intention of changing the status quo! Why should it when a submissive Greek side is ready and willing to accept the partition of their own country under a pseudo Federation?


The political expectations at the Geneva2 negotiations pose grave uncertainty and could become the nail in the coffin for the Republic of Cyprus. Under the current geo-political climate and the discovery of vast natural gas deposits, a Geneva2 agreement would ensnare Cyprus into an unpalatable situation – just like the 1960 Zurich Agreement did for the fledgling Republic. Worse, under Muslim radicalism it could bring about social and ethnic instability for years to come.  One does not want that!


It is much wiser to walk away before it’s too late. If Cyprus is to survive as a free nation, it is critically important to develop a new dynamic policy to deal with Turkey’s intransigence – a policy so badly missing for so many years. But most importantly, one has to break out of the Proverbial Box.


The proposed Geneva2 negotiations are aimed to seal the lid tightly and when that happens, it will be the end of Hellenic Cyprus.


Andreas C Chrysafis

June 13, 2017




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