James Plevritis-Joseph C. Keane Evzone AHEPA Chapter 405 of New Rochelle, NY held a virtual monthly meeting on August 20, 2020 via GoToMeeting due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The agenda included, what it means to be a Brother AHEPAN; how to better support the Chapters local parish, Holy Trinity during these difficult COVID-19 times; its vision for the 20-21 fraternal season, leading into its 60th Anniversary next year; the 200th Anniversary of the Hellenic Republic next summer in Athens and the worldwide opening of St. Nicholas Church at Ground Zero in September 2021. It was a spirited and passionate discussion among the many brothers who participated in this two-hour online meeting. The chapters leadership and its more than 180 voices are committed to spreading and lifting Hellenism beyond next year, into AHEPA’s 100th celebration in Atlanta in 2022. All agreed, AHEPA’s 100th Anniversary in Atlanta should be a National Holiday throughout the Hellenic nation celebrating an extraordinary achievement few organizations reach.
They were joined by Region 3 Supreme Governor Tom Dushas and District 6 Secretary Chris Pappis. The newly elected officers for the 2020-2021 year are President Harry Fotiadis, Vice President John Copulos, Secretary Jon Kohilakis, and Treasurer Nicholas Kinas.