Obesity is a world wide epidemic. Not only is obesity effecting our health, its also effecting our wallets. Obesity is driving up the United States’ health care costs. The obesity epidemic had a big role in the new health are policies that may take effect after the upcoming election. Not only is obesity causing us to be a “sick” nation, its also hurting the economy and adding to the United States deficit. Obesity contributes to the following health issues: Type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, hypertension, gallbladder disease, breast, endometrial and colon caner, and osteoarthritis. (PubMed)
Companies are realizing that obesity is effecting their bottom line. Corporare health and wellness programs are being created all over the country. The purpose of these program very but most focus on reducing health care costs and improving employee productivity. In a study conducted by the University of Virginia Health Systems, a dollar amount was calculated to articulate how much obesity is hurting the economy. In 1995, the total cost attributed to obesity was $99.2 billion dollars. As obesity rates have risen since 1995, one can only imagine the dollar amount obesity is costing today. In regards to productivity, obesity has reflected $3.9 billion dollars in lost productivity which includes 39.2 million work days lost. (PubMed)
A scary picture: 60% of the United States is obese. Childhood obesity is currently at an all time high in the United States. Fast forward 50 years when our children are adults and imagine if the obesity rate continues to climb upwards to 80%-90%. Not only would the United States be close to bankrupsy, we possibly could have an obese milatary which wouldn’t be able to protect our country. Obesity needs to start a downward trend of reduction. Similar to the voting system, we can combat obesity one individual at a time. Everyone’s health counts for the greater good of the United States.