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Greek CommunityObservations of the 23rd Hermes Expo

Observations of the 23rd Hermes Expo

Hellenic News
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Observations of the 23rd Hermes Expo


By: Dr. Dean Lomis

For 22 Springs, the annual Hermes Expo at Atlantic City brought visitors from across the Northeast. Visitors enjoyed the offerings of the Hermes Expo, but also the enticing casinos and boardwalk.

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The 23rd, held on April 1 at the spacious Concordville Inn outside of Philadelphia offered a different and more togetherness atmosphere, not forgetting to mention the fine cuisine of the Inn with which the casinos of Atlantic City cannot match in preparation and taste.

The surroundings of the site were very conducive to the attendees, for they were together in one location and always available to attend the offerings of the day, which included review of booths, food shows, educational networking seminars, food and wine tasting and, of course, comradeship throughout the day and especially in the evening’s awards dinner.

hermes larigakis


The seminars were very interesting and very well attended. Visitors were discussing throughout the day the issues presented. A quick review is most apropos to bring the topics in their perspective.

Dr. George Tsetsekos, the retired Dean of the LeBow College of Business at Drexel University made a well-detailed presentation on the relevant and timely topic of the Eurozone and the Greek Financial Crises, how they interrelate, and how they affect and are affected by conditions in the United States. Of course Aris Melisseratos summarized the presentation in his articulate and experienced manner.

A well-detailed presentation of the most-relevant Obamacare issue of our time initiated hefty discussion on pros and cons. Several attendees expressed that they finally learned much that was desperately needed to understand the concept, agreeing or not notwithstanding.

A very interesting seminar was held by teacher-members of the Hellenic Paideia of America. The over an hour-long discussion was focused on how to include Modern Greek in America’s high schools and colleges. The pitfalls of financial shortcomings and the lack of teachers qualified to teach courses in addition to Greek were the central themes. Several ideas were exchanged which will need more discussions.

An excellent seminar was on “Estate Planning.” Several attendees expressed their gratitude for information they were not of knowledge. It was expressed that a follow up should be considered, for there are yet additional issues that need to be exposed.

The evening’s Awards Dinner was a delightful event.

hermes righos

George Righos, the Wilmington Hermes carried the message on how the Odyssey Charter School was founded and how very successful it has been in the decade of existence. His concept for creating the School has paid huge benefits to the spreading of the Hellenic Ideal educationally.

hermes ernie

Ernie Chletcos was lauded for his AHEPA and Community activities for most of his 97 years.

hermes kastanis

John Kastanis, the just-two-year President and CEO of the Temple University Hospital gave an enthused report of his Hellenic heritage and how it has helped him in the achievements of his career.

hermes limberakis

Dr. Anthony Limberakis, the National Commander of the Order of St. Andrew Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of America heralded his pride for his Hellenic upbringing, and how important and relevant the spirit of Hellenism is in the development of the individual person.

The Joy of Hermes — the Messenger, was prevalent throughout the evening.   Aside from the  significant issues of the day, conferees enjoyed the association of old friends and new acquaintances in a closer environment, being together for the day rather than roaming around enticed by the offerings of the gambling city.

hermes lomis group

And just like Hermes has wings on his heels to speed his movements, so did the many who decided to take advantage of the fine Greek tunes of the Stavros Theodorou ensemble and danced — and sang — to the rhythms of the heavenly Bouzouki. A great ending to a great day!

See you all next year!


Photo 1:  Mario Civera, Vice Chairman of the Delaware County Council, Dora Hionis, Owner of the Concordville Inn, Aris Melissaratos, Founder of The Aris Institute, Nick Larigakis, President of the American Hellenic Institute, Carol Brooks,  ‎Manager of International Trade at City of Philadelphia Department of Commerce and Paul Kotrotsios, Founder & President of the Hermes Expo;

Photo 2: Kostas Kalkanis and Nick Larigakis;

Photo 3: Honoree George Righos, Founder of the Odyssey Charter School in DE;

Photo 4: Honoree Ernie Chletcos, AHEPA and Community Activist;

Photo 5:  Honoree John Kastanis, President  & CEO of Temple University Hospital;

Photo 6:  Honoree Dr. Anthony Limberakis, National Commander, Order of St. Andrew Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in America;

Photo 7:  Mr. & Dr. Michelle, Dr. Lomis, Mr. Mantzavinos & Dr. Faller

The copyrights for these articles are owned by the Hellenic News of America. They may not be redistributed without the permission of the owner. The opinions expressed by our authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hellenic News of America and its representatives.

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