It is with a great sense of filial pride and joy that the Order of Saint Andrew congratulates Brother Archon Reince Hercules Priebus on his selection by President-elect Donald J. Trump to be the White House Chief of Staff. Archon Reince is known for his devotion to our Holy Orthodox Faith and his patriotism, and reflective of this he keeps on his office lectern The Holy Bible, a copy of the Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom and of course, as former Chairman of the Republican Party, a copy of the Republican Party Platform.
We are most proud of Archon Reince as he assumes extraordinary responsibility in assisting President-elect Trump in the governance of our beloved nation. May our Triune God grant Archon Reince the wisdom of Socrates and Solomon, the patience of Job and the strength of Hercules blessed with “Every Perfect Gift from Above.”
In the Service of the Ecumenical Patriarchate,
Anthony J. Limberakis, MD
Archon Aktouarios
National Commander
Photo: Archon Reince Priebus, White House Chief of Staff (center) with His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios Geron of America and Father Alexander Karloutsos, Archon Spiritual Advisor during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio. (Photo by J. Mindala)