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Featured Greek NewsPhilly Joined Global Actions on Greece Wed. July 15

Philly Joined Global Actions on Greece Wed. July 15

Hellenic News
Hellenic News
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By: Joe Piette, Philly International Action Center

A protest featuring signs, banners, chants and speeches took place at City Hall’s Dilworth Plaza Wednesday, July 15 in solidarity with the Greek people fighting against austerity.

Philadelphia gathered from 5 to 6 pm in response to the group “Europe Says OXI” call for a day of global demonstrations on July 15 in EVERY CENTRAL SQUARE WORLDWIDE.

#THISISACOUP protest: #OXI means OXI, NO to financial blackmail, solidarity with the Greek people!

In Philadelphia we have seen the role banks have played in devastating our schools and redlining neighborhoods, opening the way for massive gentrification. The greed of bankers is threatening communities and working people from Detroit to Baltimore, from Puerto Rico to Greece. Protestors will stand in solidarity with the Greek workers who are saying “NO” to financial blackmail.

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The Troika has succeeded in making the SYRIZA-government submit to their demands to implement more devastating austerity measures, by means of financial terrorism and threatening to push the country over the brink of economic collapse. Some would call this a capitulation by SYRIZA, some would call this a coup by the Troika. Whatever it is, if the Troika gets their way, it would amount to a historic defeat for everyone fighting against austerity and for democracy.

As Europe Says OXI’s statement says: “The only option left for us now is escalating the struggle to the streets and the workplaces. Forced by the Troika the Greek government will on Wednesday be effectively implementing legislation that the people voted NO against over little more than a week ago. All red lines have been crossed. It’s up to us to defend them. So we call on everyone all over the world to take to central squares that day, to loudly say:


OXI means OXI (No)!

OXI to #austerity!

OXI to capitulation!

OXI to a third memorandum!

YES to democracy and people’s power!

The only dividing line right now, in Greece and in those in solidarity is this:

Do you fight or do you capitulate?

Editor’s Note:  Thank you to Joe and our friends of Greece that gathered on Wednesday to raise awareness of Greece’s current economic situation.

The copyrights for these articles are owned by the Hellenic News of America. They may not be redistributed without the permission of the owner. The opinions expressed by our authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hellenic News of America and its representatives.

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