Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Wednesday attended a ceremony for the naming of two new fire-fighting boats that will join the Fire Department’s fleet.
“I am happy and moved to be here today for this modest ceremony to name two ultramodern vessels of the Fire Department. The Climate Crisis and Civil Protection Minister [Vassilis Kikilias] spoke of the Greek state’s efforts to modernise all civil protection infrastructure. The climate crisis which we are face, not we alone but the entire planet, makes this investment inevitable for civil protection”, Mitsotakis said.
“I want to repeat that we will spend over 2.1 billion euros on infrastructure related to civil protection” he added.
Kikilias welcomed the prime minister and said that the two new vessels will significantly strengthen the fire brigade’s forces in the high-risk operations at sea. “The Fire Department’s fleet now has 12 firefighting vessels, while more will be added through Aigis programme,” he noted.