Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Thursday had a meeting with the president and CEO of JPMorgan Chase & Co Jamie Dimon. The meeting was held two days after JPMorgan’s announced its investment for the acquisition of approximately 49 percent of the online bank Viva Wallet.
Government sources said that Jamie Dimon informed Mitsotakis that JPMorgan is willing to expand its office in Greece, invest further in Viva Wallet and attract high-level staff in Greece.
“As you are aware, we have plans to expand over time, so this may become a technology hub for JPMorgan Chase throughout the world,” said Dimon.
On his part, Mitsotakis noted that JPMorgan’s decision constitutes a vote of confidence in Greece and its economy and at the same time “reaffirms the new startup culture that has appeared in Greece”.
The prime minister also added: “What I can tell you is that the country has turned a page and that Greece in 2022 has very few similarities with Greece in the time of economic crisis…. I think we have laid the foundations for long-term and sustainable growth and we want you to be part of this story, not just because of your Greek descent but because you truly see the opportunities that exist in the country. Thank you”.
Those participating in the meeting included the head of the Prime Minister’s economic office Alexis Patelis, the head of JPMorgan Chase in Greece, Stelios Papadopoulos, and its Global Head of Wholesale Payments Takis Georgakopoulos.