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GreecePM Mitsotakis: On June 9 we will send a message that the...

PM Mitsotakis: On June 9 we will send a message that the voice of Greece will be heard even louder in all important European decision-making centers

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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“We committed to something and this is that we won’t allow the country to return to a period of of extreme deficits, populism bidding and empty promises” Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said opening his speech at a people’s gathering in Patras on Thursday.
“We know very well that sometimes we have to be unpleasant, because in politics you can’t have everyone happy, but we prefer to tell you the truth and what we can and can’t do, rather than mocking you shamelessly, as they do today the opposition parties”.

The premier also noted that ” We have worked very hard these 5 years. And if there is something I am proud of, it is that today the voice of Greece is heard, the opinion of Greece counts, the opinion of Greece is taken into account. We are no longer the black sheep of Europe, we are a country that has progressed a lot, we are a country that has put its public finances in order.”

In parallel, Mitsotakis underlined that “on June 9 we will not only choose which MEPs will represent us in the next European Parliament, but we will also send a message that the voice of Greece will be heard even louder in Brussels, in Strasbourg and in all important European decision-making centers.


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