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GreecePM Mitsotakis outlines measures and reforms for his second term in government

PM Mitsotakis outlines measures and reforms for his second term in government

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis spoke of the measures and reforms his government plans to implement in its second-year term, during the presentation of his policy program in Parliament on Thursday afternoon, some of which are already in process.
His address opened a three-day debate in the plenary session that will conclude with a vote of confidence on Saturday night.

Mitsotakis mentioned the following plans of his New Democracy government, provided in outline below:

The national plan for Greece, 2027:

– Achieving investment-grade status for Greece, and early repayment of bilateral loans of Greece’s first loan memorandum, by end of 2023

– Rational primary surpluses and reduction of the public debt as a GDP ratio to under 140% by 2027

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– Reduction of unemployment to 8% by 2027

– Increase of exports to 60% of GDP

– Reduction of inequalities and increase of minimum wage to 950 euros (monthly) and of the average wages to 1,500 euros by 2027

– Digitization of 90% of nearly 4,500 public administration processes by 2027

– Start of constitutional reform by Parliament in 2025

– Upgrade of defense armaments with 24 Rafale jets, upgrade of 83 F-16s to “Viper”, acquisition of 3 Belharra frigates, acquisition of Greek F-35s

Immediate economic measures:

– New pay scale introduced into public administration, with across-the-board pay raises for all personnel, after 15 years; special emphasis on salaries of people in positions of responsibility and those with families

– Expanding the Market Pass card over the next few months, to cover 10% of most households’ monthly basic goods purchases

– New property tax (ENFIA) reduction by 10% for properties insured against natural disasters

– Additional tax cut of 1,000 euros to families with children

– Continuing the one-off supplement of those who continue to face a pension differential following the Katrougalos law, at the end of 2023 (drawn from the development surplus)
– Pensioners who work will not get a 30% cut in their pension checks; instead, a minor amount will be withheld on their earnings from their second source of income
Medium-range economic measures:

– Reduction of tax evidence factors by 30% (tekmiria)

– Reduction in insurance contributions by one point

– Gradual abolition of the special fee for freelance/independent business owners (telos epitidevmatos)

Measures to support youth and education:

– Increase of family supplement to civil servants by 20 euros for the first child and by 50 euros as of the second child and on

– Youth Pass of 150 euros for every young person aged 18-19 for travel and cultural activities, as of September

– A new study beginning in the fall on a national plan to upgrade school facilities, that will become a blueprint for all new school buildings

– Six-month career training and international certification program for 100,000 personnel and unemployed at high-demand specializations in information and technology; a certification that will act as a ‘passport’ to businesses in the sector who seek more and more specialized professionals

– Activating bilateral agreements of the Greek Constitution’s Article 28 that already offer the opportunities for recognition of degrees bu foreign colleges and universities interested in investing in Greece, with the overseeing by the National Authority of Higher Education; preparing the future reform of Article 16 (which restricts recognition of private colleges)

– Construction of new student housing for 8,500 college students

– Continuing the ‘Spiti Mou’ program that has already provided 4,700 young home owners with low-interest housing loans

– Upgrade and expansion of urban transport with the new Athens and Thessaloniki Metros and the electrification of all buses

– Applying consistently all National Plans on people with handicaps, equality of the sexes, the LGBTI+ community, and children


– No-premium, free drugs to former beneficiaries of EKAS (a subsidy addressed to low-income pensioners)

– Raise in pensions that is greater than 3%, as of January 1, 2024

Private sector employees:

– Increase of minimum monthly wage to 950 euros and of the average wage to 1,500 euros, by 2027

– No 30% cut for pensioners who also work, except for a low withholding from their second source of income

– Reduction of tax evidence factors by 30% (tekmiria)

– Reduction in insurance contributions by one point

– Gradual abolition of the special fee for freelance/independent business owners (telos epitidevmatos)

Public sector employees:

– New pay rate scale as of January 1, 2024

– Special bonuses for positions of responsibility, workers with children

– Increase of family supplement to civil servants by 20 euros for the first child and by 50 euros as of the second child and on

– Additional tax cut by 1,000 euros for families with children

Health / Reconstruction of emergency ambulance service (EKAV):
– Special unit set up with 250 motorcycle emergency aid personnel preceding ambulances, providing faster first aid

– 800 first aid personnel to be hired at EKAV

– Specialized Armed Forces and Fire Brigade personnel to cover lack of health staffing in over 50 regions of Greece

– Leasing of air transport and staff for search and rescue missions and for primary transport of patients from remote areas

Institutions, state, and democracy:

– Evaluation of political party programs by independent agency (the Greek Fiscal Council)

– National strategy to manage and protect water resources, with return of Athens and Thessaloniki Water & Sewage Companies (EYDAP, EYDATh) from Superfund, where SYRIZA had transferred them, to state control

– Setting up of Advisory Committee to the Prime Minister on issues of Artificial Intelligence by Greek leaders in the field from Greece and abroad
Large infrastructural projects:

– The Thessaloniki Metro is being completed

– The Athens Metro is being expanded

– The Patras-Pyrgos highway is in the works

– The E-65 European highway in Central Greece is in the works

– The highway connecting all of northern Crete (VOAK) is being built

– New airport at Kasteli, Crete

– Double redesigning of Votanikos area in Athens

– New regional road (fly-over) in Thessaloniki

– 5,700 small, medium-sized and large projects in every region of Greece valued at over 60 billion euros, with 12 regional development plans


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