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Greek CommunityCommunity OrganizationsPort Jefferson AHEPA Chapter 319 Hosts Third Annual Fishing Trip

Port Jefferson AHEPA Chapter 319 Hosts Third Annual Fishing Trip

Hellenic News
Hellenic News
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By Chris Pappis, AHEPA D6 Secretary

Port Jefferson AHEPA Chapter 319 hosted their signature event which was the 3rd Annual Fall Fishing Trip. It was held on September 26, 2020, aboard the Celtic Quest Fishing Charter on the Long Island Sound. The event sold out and the boat was filled to capacity with 47 participants. Brothers, family and friends joined us from as far as Manhattan, New Jersey and even Connecticut. Thank you to all who donated their time, to those who helped spread the word, and a very big thank you to everyone who helped sponsor the kids from Saint Basil Academy in Garrison, NY. It was a special day for the kids and staff members of Saint Basil’s and we hope to create more memorable opportunities for them in the future!

The copyrights for these articles are owned by the Hellenic News of America. They may not be redistributed without the permission of the owner. The opinions expressed by our authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hellenic News of America and its representatives.

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