Sunday, October 6, 2024

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GreeceBusinessRegistered unemployment down 5.36% in October

Registered unemployment down 5.36% in October

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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Registered unemployment totaled 987,763 people in October, up 4.27% from September, but down 5.36% compared with October 2020, Hellenic Workforce Employment Authority said.

More specifically, the number of unemployed people seeking job totaled 976,699 in October, of which 575,801 (58.95%) were long-tern unemployed. The percentage of unemployed men was 35.01% and women 64.99%.

The number of unemployed people not seeking job was 11,064, while the number of people receiving unemployment ben efit was 104,184 in October, of which 42,158 men and 62,026 women.


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