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GreeceCultureReplica of Mycenaean warship on show at the Hellenic Maritime Museum

Replica of Mycenaean warship on show at the Hellenic Maritime Museum

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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A replica of the Mycenaean warships that “sailed” in the Homeric epics and shaped the maritime tradition of ancient Greece will be put on display for visitors at the Hellenic Maritime Museum on Saturday, October 19, at 11.00 am.

This “journey” through time will take place in the context of the event “NIES PONTOPORII: Building the Myth”, which has as its highlight the presentation of an impressive life size (1:1) replica of a part of a Mycenaean eikosoros (a ship with two rows of 10 oars). Reconstructed shipbuilding tools will also be on display, revealing the techniques and secrets of Mycenaean shipbuilders.

The event will additionally offer an interesting “glimpse” into the shipbuilding art of Odysseus, as the techniques and stages of building the ships of the time will be presented, through the ancient know-how revealed in the Homeric epics, especially in the section dealing with the construction of Odysseus’ legendary raft.


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