By Paul Kotrotsios, Founder of the Hellenic News of America
Special to the Hellenic News of America
Supreme President of AHEPA, Jimmy Kokotas sat down with Paul Kotrotsios, the founder of the Hellenic News of America and long-standing member of AHEPA, to chat about the upcoming centennial events AHEPA has planned to celebrate its 100-year anniversary. AHEPA is a leading organization that defends and promotes Hellenism across the globe. Here is what Supreme President Kokotas had to say.
PK: 100 years is a huge milestone for any organization. How do you feel being the Supreme President of the AHEPA, an International Organization that contributes to Education, Philanthropy and so much more?
SPJK: I am only one of 70 men who devoted their time and talent to our great organization. It is an honor and privilege to be the Supreme President during our Centennial of Service Celebrations.
PK: What do you think AHEPA’s functions/mission should be at the present time in the USA, Greece, and other countries, where AHEPA has a presence?
SPJK: AHEPA serves the communities across the world by donating time and energy to programs that benefit the communities our chapters reside in. Whether we donated to homeless shelters or feed the hungry, house the elderly, or give financial scholarships to students; AHEPA serves the community. We are an Army of volunteers based in and connected to our communities.
PK: What are you planning to do to grow the Membership?
SPJK: Membership in AHEPA is easy. Our deeds attract the best and brightest in our communities. Our actions and deeds bring in members, every year we initiate over 1200 new members.
PK: Any suggestions you might have to reach out to non-Greeks, Philhellenes?
SPJK: AHEPA’s members are all Philhellenes, and we have thousands of “non-Greek” members. We are not a Greek Club we are a philanthropic fraternity of like-minded Philhellenes who work in concert to make our communities great.
PK: What are the major events for the Big Celebration in 2022?
SPJK: Thank you, Paul, for asking this question we have many events planned for 2022. Coming up, June 25 we are going to Atlanta to celebrate the 100th anniversary in the city where the supreme lodge was born. Immediately following that event we will have our 100th AHEPA Supreme Convention in Orlando Florida and the Walt Disney World Coronado Resort hotel on July 17-22. In September we are planning a 100th Anniversary banquet in Los Angeles and another one in New York in October. We have a Golf Tournament and 100th Anniversary banquet scheduled for Greece November 13-19 and a possible dinner in December at one of our chapters.
PK: Will there be any combined events for AHEPA and GOARCH as both organizations celebrate the 100th year anniversary?
SPJK: AHEPA will be celebrating with the Archdiocese during the 2022 Clergy-Laity conference as a proud sponsor.
SPJK: AHEPA has donated over $1 billion since 1922 and looks forward to serving our community for another 100 years. Everyone can and should be a member it is easy and fun. Join us and connect with thousands of friends.