Friday, July 26, 2024

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Teotihuacán shrouded by the mist of time

Teotihuacán elicits gasps upon first seeing the towering Pyramid of the Sun at the entrance to this legendary UNESCO World Heritage Site. Then reality...

Tripping over Greece: Naxos

Greece’s long and turbulent civilization lay scattered throughout the country. It’s as easy to stumble across millenniums old remnants of everyday life in the...

Essentials of Aigio: antiquities, wine and cuisine

Aigio, and its surrounding provincial region of Aigialeia, have been prominent in Greek recorded history since the 3rd millennium BC. Its wines were publicly...

Travel ancient paths in Eastern Macedonia and Thrace

Xanthi, Drama, Kavala, Philippi: the names themselves are exotic and rightfully so. At the epicenter of three worlds – Asia, the Balkans and the...

Croatia: coveted treasure of the Balkans

In 2017 Croatia is invaded not by empires but by golden hordes of tourists.

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