By: William Planes, Archon Notarios, Special to the Hellenic News of America
The views expressed in this article may not reflect the views of Hellenic News of America, they are the expressed views of the author, William Planes.
The Constitution of the USA provides and protects all of us, no matter the color of our skin or the origins of our DNA.
The following was part of an email I received from U S Congressman Gus Bilirakis (Florida Republican). It concerns the state of Congressional efforts regarding President Biden and the allegations of corruption facing President Biden and his son Hunter Biden.
“Holding Biden Accountable: For more than two years, President Biden has engaged in reckless and irresponsible behavior that has jeopardized our national security, emboldened our adversaries, weakened support among our allies and made us less secure here at home. It has been one crisis after another with him at the helm, including: bloated government spending that fueled inflation and damaged small businesses, open border policies that have led to a record surge of migrants and fentanyl illegally entering our country, the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan that left behind Americans, allies, and assets while claiming the lives of 13 soldiers, the weaponization of federal agencies, and a constant barrage of government bureaucrats egregiously attempting to erode our Constitutional freedoms. His presidency has simply been a disaster and Americans continue to pay the price for his poor decision-making. When added to the backdrop of the growing body of evidence discovered by the House Oversight Committee revealing the Biden family engaged in a pattern of corruption, influence peddling, and potentially even bribery, while a weaponized DOJ engages in a politically-motivated witch hunt against a former President we should all be very concerned. We must remain firm in our resolve to ensure the rule of law and to hold President Biden accountable for his actions. We have a system of oversight in place to thoroughly investigate claims of misconduct, malfeasance and to ensure due process which is why I supported a measure last week to refer articles of impeachment presented by one of my colleagues to the House Ethics Committee for investigation in conjunction with the concurrent investigations of the Judiciary and Oversight Committees. Together, the committees will continue to investigate this corruption, gather firm evidence, and at the appropriate time present irrefutable proof of high crimes and misdemeanors to the full House and democrat-led Senate, who will then have no choice but to impeach, convict, and remove Biden from office.
While we saw Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Jerry Nadler, and others move to impeach President Trump fueled by their hate for the man and based on lies repeated time and time again to the public by Adam Schiff and others; lies that were the basis of this past weeks Centaur of Adam Schiff by way of a Resolution introduced to the House of Representatives by Congresswomen Anna Paulina Luna. I hope that the members of the Republican lead House of Representatives will move forward basing their actions, representations, statements, and resolutions on the “FACTS”, and not follow a sting of “LIES” as were promulgated against President Trump by the then members of a Democrat lead House of Representatives.
Schiff claims he is wearing his Centaur as a “Badge of Honor” and still says he was not lying. His Centaur is hardly a Badge of Honor, it is based on overwelling facts and testimony and is a “Badge of Humiliation”; a Badge of Humiliation that he now will have to wear as a review of his actions will move to the House Ethics Committee. The House Ethics Committee, after their investigation and proceeding can introduce a Resolution to the House, which is currently Republican Lead, to remove Adam Schiff as a member of the House of Representatives. This will then result in the Governor of California having to appoint a replacement for Adam Schiff, a replacement to serve the balance of his current term in the House.
Schiff has previously announced that he will be running to replace the upcoming vacancy of the Senate Seat currently held by Senator Feinstein. Feinstein, in contradiction to her failing health, is bravely holding on to her Senate Seat so that her replacement will be filled by an election, rather than Schiff’s resignation from the House of Representatives to accept a partisan appointment by Governor Newsom of California; this appointment would be to fill Feinstein’s seat for her remaining term and then running as an incumbent for what was her seat at the end of the remainder of Feinstein’s term,
Let’s not forget that an impeachment of Biden, must also have a second and parallel impeachment of Kamala that parallels the impeachment of Biden, otherwise, Biden will be replaced by Kamala. This process could put our current Speaker of the House into the Presidency to complete Biden’s current term: the House of Representatives voting on a new Vice President to serve with McCarthy as well as a new Speaker of the House to serve out McCarthy’s remaining term. This is tricky as McCarthy is a California Republican, whose term would be filed by the appointment of a Congressman by the Governor of California, which would more than likely be a Democrat, this effecting the close balance between Republicans and Democrats in the House of Representatives.
The ascension to the Presidency by the Speaker of the House and the appointment of a new Vice President by the House of Representatives is provided for in the Constitution. This is how our Constitution provides safeguards against individuals in government that turn to crime, corruption, and tyranny. This action will fill the gap between impeachment and removal of Biden and the election of a new President and Vice President by the electorate (the Citizens of the United States though the Electoral College provided by the States) in November 2024.
In the USA, we do not have to have a line of tanks and mercenary soldiers (like in Russia and other dictatorial governments) to overthrow a “rotten apple”. We have the provisions of the Constitution, the members of the House of Representatives and the Senate (all elected by the people), to vote out these “rotten apples” and avoid a line of tanks to remove someone from office.
We are at a critical point in our country. I am not sure we have time to wait for a new election 2024. But then again, the Republicans in the House of Representatives, have displayed the courage to debate and step up to make all accountable, including their own. They have also demonstrated their self-control in that they only act on the “Facts”, not on lies and inuendo. This is evident in the Resolution passed this week to Censure Adam Schiff, the reports form the House Oversight Committee and the House Judiciary Committee regarding the actions of Hunter Biden and his father, President Joe Biden, and a “Bill of Impeachment” that was introduced to committee this past week to “Impeach President Joe Biden” for High Crimes and Misdemeanors (a separate Bill of Impeachment is reported to have been introduced to committee this week to also impeach Kamela).
The “Bill of Impeachment” regarding President Joe Biden (unlike the Bill of Impeachment that the Democrats passed to impeach President Trump) will be based on hard facts supported by the evidence, sworn testimony, and reports provided by the House Oversight and Judiciary Committees along with additional evidence that may be provided by the House Ethics Committees while taking this Bill of Impeachment under consideration.
If passed by the House Ethics Committee, this “Bill of Impeachment” will make its way from committee to the Speaker of the House McCarthy; who will then give all the member of the House of Representatives 72 hours to read the “Bill of Impeachment of President Joe Biden”. After the 72 hours, the Bill of Impeachment can be brought to the floor of the House of Representatives to be voted upon. If passed, then the “Bill of Impeachment” (along with copies of all the sworn testimony, evidence and other reports) will be walked, by Speaker McCarthy, to the Senate where President Biden will stand trial in front of the full Senate. V. President Kamala Harris will not preside over the Senate for these Senate proceedings, the proceeding will administer by a Supreme Court Justice.
If the Indictment is based on evidence, sworn testimony and reports, such as what has recently come forth from the House Judiciary Committee and the House Oversite Committee, then the Senate will convict and remove President Biden.
Unlike what you see in Russia and so many other Communist and Dictatorial Counties, the USA is a Democracy that is governed only by “The Constitution of the United States of America”, not by a column of tanks and armed soldiers closing in on the capital, such as we have seen in Russia in this past several days.
We, especially those of us who are Veterans, are proud to have served and support the Constitution of the United States. We know full well the price paid for our freedom and for our rights under the Constitution as we have witnessed the sacrifice made in blood, death, and physical mutilation of body and mind of our friends, family members, and brothers in battle.
Our Constitution provides the pathway to resolve all conflicts we may have without picking up arms against our own country. Just believe in and assert the rights we have under the Constitution. It is full of checks and balances. Checks and balances established 247 years ago this next Tuesday, July 4, 2023. They have and will continue to protect us and our rights as it has over these two and a half centuries.
Today, let us Pray for our country, for the members of the House of Representatives, their faith and commitment to the provisions of the Constitution that provides for a “peaceful” removal of “rotten apples” and change in our Government, all at the will of the PEOPLE, not at the will of a corrupt few that have ensconced themselves within the Executive Offices, Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Internal Revenue Service, Department of Intelligence, et. al..
Happy Independence Day, the Fourth of July, to you and all.
William Planes, Archon Notarios
For more information on my book, Platanides: Through the Eye of the Storm, visit me on my website,
You can find my book for sale on Amazon or Barnes and Noble