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GreeceTheodorikakos sends message of national determination against the instrumentalisation of migrants

Theodorikakos sends message of national determination against the instrumentalisation of migrants

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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Citizen Protection Minister Takis Theodorikakos on Tuesday sent a strong message of national determination against “those who unfortunately insist on the instrumentalisation of unfortunate people” and of the unity of Greek men and women in the defence of the country’s borders, of international law and human life.

As part of his visit to the Prefecture of Evros in order to be briefed on the operational planning of the Hellenic Police for guarding the borders, Theodorikakos went to Feres to attend the delivery of five armored vehicles of 2,800 cubic meters, with a gross weight of 4.6 tons, configured for operations in rough terrain.

The minister referred to the “Akritas” plan which, as he said, “includes immediate measures and priorities concerning the extension of the fence, based on the decision of KYSEA [national security council], along the entire Greek-Turkish border in Evros up to 140 km, the reinforcement of our police officers, the reinforcement of our border guards, 250 recruitments, reinforcement of their training, international action to inform all our allies and European citizens about the great work that is being done here.”


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