Andreas C Chrysafis was born in the village of Ayios Ambrosios, Kerynia, Cyprus. He studied and lived in the UK and Canada for most of his life where he practiced his profession as an architectural designer. He is a prolific writer of books, press articles including the Vanishing Cyprus Series distributed worldwide. Today, he lives between London and Cyprus devoting most of his time writing and painting works of art.
ISBN 1904578012 ISBN 1904578020 ISBN 1904578004
Andartes: ISBN 1904578012
Set in the mid 1950s, Andartes (Guerrillas) is an absorbing glimpse into the fiercely fought EOKA struggle for the independence of Cyprus from British colonial rule: the drama all the more poignant given its basis in historical fact. It is a vividly written, brutal, emotional, with a most touching story. Anyone reading this book cannot easily forget it. This absorbing read follows Alexis, whose pride and ideals lead him on a journey that results in his paying the ultimate price.
Porphyra in Purple: ISBN 1904578020
A freak accident and the discovery of a Codex, takes our young protagonists Nikolas and Christina on a subterranean and intergalactic adventure. They are thrown into a world of bizarre encounters with ethereal entities, parallel dimensions, bellowing chasms, albino fish and a strange black pyramid. Assisted by angelic life forms they reach the heavens where souls are first born. There, they witness the infinite Porphyra at the Gates of Egress alongside the shores of the Forgetful River. Things however, are not what they seem to be, and their journey home takes a strange twist. Porphyra is a wonderful novel full of surprises that generate fundamental questions which have plagued the human mind forever it seems; a most stimulating novel!
Who Shall Govern Cyprus–Brussels/ Nicosia? ISBN 1904578004
This is an in-depth analysis of the political, social and economic consequences of Cyprus’ relationship with the European Union. It reveals facts, which for years have been kept secret and in the dark. However, few of us are aware of the full implications of joining a centralized, all powerful organization, for it extends beyond the simple benefits of a common market. It is a book for serious reading and debate.